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Geochemistry of rare earth elements in the making iron deposit[Abstract][PDF]

Alteration and mineralization at the root zone of the Zhongteng porphyry copper (molybdenum) deposit in Fujian Province[Abstract][PDF]

A preliminary study of the distribution of silver in the Wubu Pb-Zn deposit, Zhejiang Province[Abstract][PDF]

A study of the genetic type of Xingluokeng tungsten (molybdenum) deposit, Fujian Province[Abstract][PDF]

Stratabound features and mineralization process of the Weishancheng gold-silver deposit[Abstract][PDF]

Isotope Geology Copper Of The Duobaoshan Ore Field[Abstract][PDF]

The Mineralization Processes And Minerogenetic Model Of The Rare Earth-Rare Metal Deposits Related To The Granitoids Of Nanling Region[Abstract][PDF]

The Surface Indicator Zones Of The Blind-Semi-Blind Tungsten Vein Deposits In South China[Abstract][PDF]

The Relationship Between Massive Sulfide Deposits And Volcanic Rock Facies[Abstract][PDF]

A Preliminary Investigation Into The Ore-Forming Mechanism Of Mercury And Lead-Zinc Strata-Bound Deposits In Guizhou Province[Abstract][PDF]

A Hydrogen Sulfide-Rich Reservoir In North China[Abstract][PDF]

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