
Geochemical types of ore deposits and their significance in geological exploration


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中文摘要:根据文献报导及作者的研究,分别对Sedex型铅锌矿床、浅成 低温热液金矿床、岩浆期后高温热液型石英脉状黑钨矿矿床和沉积岩为主岩的微细浸染型( 卡 林型)金矿床进行了矿床地球化学分类:Sedex型铅锌矿床分为Selwyn型矿床和McArthur型 矿床,前者的成 矿热卤水产生于开阔海盆或大陆斜坡的浊积岩建造,后者的成矿热卤水产生于氧化的海底裂 谷沉积建造,浅成低温热液型金矿床分为酸性_硫酸盐型(明矾石_高岭石型)金矿床和冰长 石_绢云母型金矿床,前一类金矿床的成矿流体,f(S2)和f(O2)较高,pH 值较低,后一类金矿床 的成矿流体,f(S2)和f(O2)较低,pH值较高。岩浆期后高温热液型石英脉 状黑钨矿矿床分为钨-铍-钼-铋型黑钨矿矿床和钨-锡-硫化物型黑钨矿矿床,钨-铍-钼-铋型黑钨矿矿床的成矿作用是在pH值较高的弱碱性、Eh值较高的环境中进行的,钨-锡-硫化物型黑钨矿床的成矿作用是在pH值较低的弱酸性的,Eh值较低的环境中进行的。沉积岩为主岩的微细浸染 型(卡林型)金矿床分为金-砷-(锑)型金矿床、金-汞-(铊)型金矿床和金-锑-黄铁矿型金矿床。金-砷-(锑)型金矿床的成矿流体是地层建造水(为主)与改造后的大气降水混合形成的 热液,其pH值为3.6~5.2,且Eh值较低;金-汞-(铊)型金矿床的成矿流体是大气降水与地层建造水混合形成的热液,其pH值为5.0~7.5,Eh值较高;金-锑-黄铁矿金矿床的成矿流体是改造后的大气降水与岩浆演化成的流体混合形成的热液,其pH值为5.4~6.77,Eh值较高。
Abstract:According to geological and geochemical features of ore deposits reflecting geoc hemical characteristics of the ore-forming process, the authors conducted geochemical classification of ore deposits. Based on literatures and the authors' res earches, the authors put forward geochemical classifications for Sedex-type lead-zinc deposits, epithermal gold deposits, post-magmatic hydrothermal quartz vein-type wolframite deposits and sedimentary host-rock (Carlin-type) gold deposits. The Sedex-type lead-zinc deposits are divided into Selwyn-type deposits and McArthur-type deposits, with the ore-forming hot brine of the former type produced in the open basin or continental slope turbidite formation, and the latter ore-forming hot brine arising from oxidation of the submarine rift sedimentary format ion. The epithermal gold deposits are divided into acid-sulfate type (alunite-kaolinite type) gold deposits and adularia-sericite type gold deposits, with the ore-forming fluids of the former type having higher f(S2) and f(O2) and lower pH values, and the ore-forming fluids of the latter type having lower f(S2) and f(O2) and higher pH values. Post magmatic hydrothermal quartz vein-type wolfram ite deposits are divided into W-Be-Mo-Bi type wolframite deposits and W-Sn-sulfide type wolframite deposits, with the ore-forming process of W-Be-Mo-Bi type wolframite deposits produced in the alkaline environments with higher pH and Eh values, and the W-Sn-sulfide type wolframite deposits produced in a weak acid environment with lower Eh and pH values. The sedimentary host rocks of micro-disseminated type (Carlin type) gold deposits are divided into gold_arsenic-(Sb) type gold deposits, gold-mercury-(Tl) type gold deposits and gold-antimony-pyrite type gold deposits, with the ore-forming fluids of the first type gold deposits being the mixed f luids of formation water and minor post-transformation meteoric water, whose pH values are 3.6~5.2, and Eh values are low; the ore-forming fluids of t he second type gold deposits are meteoric water mixed with strata water, whose pH va lues are 5.0~7.5, and Eh values are higher; the ore-forming fluids of the third type gold deposits are mixed fluids of transformed atmospheric precipitation and magma-evolved fluids, whose pH values are 5.4~6.77, and Eh values are higher.

.2010.Geochemical types of ore deposits and their significance in geological exploration[J].Mineral Deposits29(3):572~578
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