
紫金矿业集团股份有限公司, 福建 上杭 364200
Geology, exploration model and practice of Zijinshan ore concentrated area
ZHANG JinZhang
(Zijin Mining Group Co. Ltd., Shanghang 364200, Fujian, China)


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投稿时间:2012-06-29   修订日期:2013-03-01     
中文摘要:紫金山矿集区位于福建省上杭县城北约15 km处,是一个典型的与陆相火山活动有关的斑岩-浅成低温热液型铜钼金矿床成矿系统,分布于长14 km、宽4 km范围内,已探明高硫化浅成中低温热液型特大型金、铜矿床各1处,低硫化热液型大型银多金属矿床2处,斑岩型铜钼矿床1处,中小型铜、金矿床3处。文章结合近年来在该矿集区找矿取得的重大进展,介绍了创新性地质找矿的实践经验:一是开展三维地质建模;二是开展蚀变矿物短波红外光谱测试和解译,建立蚀变找矿模型;三是注重物化探资料的应用和二次开发,建立物化探找矿模型;四是以大量真实的生产技术经济指标为基础,以资源利用最大化为原则,开展矿床动态评价,指导成矿预测,提高找矿效率。
Abstract:Located in eastern South China fold belt, western sub-southeastern coastal volcanic belt and southwestern late Paleozoic geotectonic domain in southwestern Fujian Province, the Zijinshan ore concentration area is a typical porphyry-epithermal Cu-Mo-Au mineralization system covering an area of approximately 14 km long and 4 km wide. Six Cu-(Au-Mo-Ag) deposits were discovered, which include a high sulfidation superlarge epithermal Cu-Au deposit, a low sulfidation epithermal Ag-polymetallic deposit, a porphyry Cu-Mo deposit, and three other medium to small deposits. Based on data available and 10 years' exploration with new technology and findings of new geological phenomena, researchers have made great breakthrough in this area. By comparing geological characteristics of different deposits in this area, the ore deposit model was updated, which helped exploration and deposit evaluation. This paper focused on the exploration achievements obtained in the ore concentration area: the first one was the building of a three-dimension geological model. By using three dimensional mining software, the three dimensional geological model was built with the data collected from exploration and mining operation under the guidance of the genetic model theories. The three dimensional geological model guided minerogenic prognosis and drilling arrangement of the area. The second one was the construction of a three-dimensional alteration model. By using the short wavelength infrared (SWIR) spectral techniques, short wavelength infrared spectra obtained from the China-made portable infrared mineral analyzer (PIMA) were used to build three dimensional alteration model. The alteration model was used to indicate fluid sources and the fluid pathway, which was helpful to the study of ore-forming processes and minerogenic prognosis. The third one was to combine geophysical and geochemical data with geological data. By interpreting the relationship between the geophysical and geochemical anomalies and the ore-forming processes, a geophysical and geochemical exploration model was built, which was used to guide the targeting and drilling plan. The last one was the dynamic econo-mic evaluation of the deposit. By analyzing large sets of data from existent mining operation, especially the mining cost data from different operations and practical mining and milling techniques, the economic values of the projects were dynamically evaluated by using different industrial grades during exploration. For the porphyry copper deposit, by degrading cut-off and industrial grade and increasing the admissible maximum thickness of the interlayer barren layer, the scale of the ore-body was enlarged and tonnage increased. What's more, the mining cost would be reduced through reasonable mining technique, which would lead to more economic value and maximum use of natural resources. Compared with the exploration result before mining operation, the tonnage of Au, Cu in the ore concentration area increased by 237.56 ton and 212.15 million tons respectively, which was 2.35 times and 2.13 times that of the former exploration result. And the tonnage of Mo increased by 10.53 million tons.

ZHANG JinZhang.2013.Geology, exploration model and practice of Zijinshan ore concentrated area[J].Mineral Deposits32(4):757~766
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