
塞尔维亚Čukaru Peki铜金矿床的热液绿帘石类型和成分及其找矿意义
福州大学紫金地质与矿业学院, 福建 福州 350000;中色紫金地质勘查(北京)
有限责任公司, 北京 100012;福州大学紫金地质与矿业学院, 福建 福州 350000;中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所, 北京 100037;中国地质大学(北京)
地球科学与资源学院, 北京 100083;中国冶金地质总局第二地质勘查院, 福建 福州 350108;紫金矿业集团有限公司, 福建 上杭 364200
Hydrothermal epidote types, composition and prospecting significance in Čukaru Peki copper-gold deposit, Serbia
CHEN AnShun,SHAN SiQi,XIE GuiQing,LIU WenYuan,ZHANG AnShun,MAO JingWen,RAO DongPing,CHEN SiYuan,HUANG WeiShan
(Zijin School of Geology and Mining, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350000, Fujian, China;Sino-Zijin Resources Co., Ltd., Beijing 100012, China;Zijin School of Geology and Mining, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350000, Fujian, China;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China;School of Earth Sciences and Resources, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China;The Second Geological Exploration Institute of CMGB, Fuzhou 350108, Fujian, China;Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd., Shanghang 364200, Fujian, China)


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投稿时间:2024-03-21   修订日期:2024-06-21      网络发布日期:2024-08-23
中文摘要:Čukaru Peki铜金矿床位于特提斯成矿域西部塞尔维亚Timok矿集区,是近几年新发现的超大型斑岩-浅成低温热液型铜金矿床。该矿床主要产于晚白垩世角闪斜长安山岩中,具有明显的蚀变分带特征,是研究蚀变矿物勘查指标体系的理想对象。笔者结合钻孔编录信息,利用显微镜、电子探针和LA-ICP-MS分析技术,对该矿床中的绿帘石进行矿物化学成分分析。根据产状可将绿帘石划分为2类,分别为赋存于绢英岩化带中的绿帘石(Ⅰ型绿帘石)和赋存于青磐岩化带中的绿帘石(Ⅱ型绿帘石)。电子探针分析结果表明,2类绿帘石中的n(Al)与n(Fe)、n(Ca)与n(Mn)均呈现负相关关系,n(Al)、n(Fe)、w(Mn)存在明显的差异,Ⅰ型绿帘石贫Fe、Mn,富Al元素,具有相对较低的XFe值,Ⅱ型绿帘石与之相反,富Fe、Mn,贫Al元素,具有相对较高的XFe值。结合矿相学特征,文章提出Ⅰ型绿帘石由斜长石蚀变而成,Ⅱ型绿帘石由角闪石蚀变而成,暗示绿帘石的主量元素变化受蚀变前的矿物控制。LA-ICP-MS分析测试结果表明,青磐岩化带中由深部至浅部Ⅱ型绿帘石的w(Pb)、w(Sb)、w(Ba)显示升高的趋势,浅部绿帘石具有较低的w(Mo);Ⅱ型绿帘石中的w(Mn)、n(Al)和w(Mg)随着深度的增加呈现出先升高后降低的变化趋势,w(As)、n(Fe)和n(Ca)呈现出相反的空间变化趋势。由于绿帘石的微量元素找矿指标变化受温度等物理化学条件的影响,根据 Čukaru Peki铜金矿床绿帘石中的w(Mg)、w(Pb)、w(Sb)、w(Ba)、w(Mo)、w(Mn)、w(As)的空间变化规律,笔者推测该斑岩型矿床热液中心在Mn元素晕之下1~2 km处。笔者研究发现Ⅱ型绿帘石中的主量元素n(Al)和XFew(Mn)微量元素呈现类似的变化趋势,n(Ca)和n(Fe)与w(Mn)呈现相反的变化趋势,故Ⅱ型绿帘石中的n(Al)、XFen(Ca)和n(Fe)元素可以作为找矿勘查的新指标。
Abstract:The Čukaru Peki Cu-Au deposit is a recently discovered giant porphyry-epithermal Cu-Au deposit in the western Tethys metallogenic domain, Serbia. It is primarily found in Late Cretaceous andesite containing hornblende and plagioclase and exhibits distinct alteration zoning characteristics, making it an ideal subject for studying the exploration index system of altered minerals. In this study, we analyzed the mineral chemical composition of epidote in the deposit using microscopic electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) and Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) techniques while considering drilling catalog information. Based on the occurrence of epidote, we divided it into two types: type Ⅰ epidote found in the phyllic alteration zone and type Ⅱ epidote found in the propylitic alteration zone. The results derived from electron probe analyses indicate negative correlations in both varieties of epidote between the content of Al and Fe, and Ca and Mn, while the contents of Al, Fe, and Mn were obviously different. Type I epidote was poor in Fe and Mn, rich in Al elements, with a relatively low XFe value. Type Ⅱ epidote exhibits an enrichment in Fe and Mn and low in Al elements, indicating higher XFe ratios. Combined with the mineral phase characteristics, we propose that type Ⅰ epidote is altered by plagioclase, and type Ⅱ epidote is altered by hornblende. This suggests that the variations in the major elements of epidote are governed by the minerals present prior to alteration. The results of LA-ICP-MS analysis indicate an increasing trend in the contents of Pb, Sb, and Ba from deep to shallow in the propylitic alteration zone, while shallow epidote shows low Mo content. In type Ⅱ epidote, the contents of Mn, Al, and Mg increase initially with depth before decreasing, whereas the contents of As, Fe, and Ca exhibit the opposite trend. Due to the influence of temperature and other physicochemical conditions on the variation of trace element indicators in epidote, the spatial distribution patterns of Mg, Pb, Sb, Ba, Mo, Mn, and As in epidote from the Čukaru Peki copper-gold deposit suggest that the hydrothermal center of this porphyry-type deposit is located 1~2 kilometers beneath the Mn anomaly. Additionally, it is noted that major elements such as Al and XFe in type Ⅱ epidote display similar variations with Mn trace elements, while Ca and Fe exhibit opposing trends. Consequently, it is suggested that Al, XFe, Ca, and Fe within type Ⅱ epidote could serve as innovative indicators for mineral exploration.

陈安顺,单思齐,谢桂青,刘文元,张安顺,毛景文,饶东平,陈思源,黄伟山.2024.塞尔维亚Čukaru Peki铜金矿床的热液绿帘石类型和成分及其找矿意义[J].矿床地质,43(4):918~934
CHEN AnShun,SHAN SiQi,XIE GuiQing,LIU WenYuan,ZHANG AnShun,MAO JingWen,RAO DongPing,CHEN SiYuan,HUANG WeiShan.2024.Hydrothermal epidote types, composition and prospecting significance in Čukaru Peki copper-gold deposit, Serbia[J].Mineral Deposits43(4):918~934
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