Abstract:It is the key stage of industrialization in China at this present. Mineral resources as a kind of basic raw materials are very important for sustainable development. The current big task for economic geologists in China is to find and explore more and more large, high-grade and available mineral resources. Face to the several problems of prospecting and exploration in China, we give some suggestions as followings. First, we should repeat again and again the definition of mineral resources carefully since we usually don’t pay no more attention of it before. Mineral resources which can be used now have some characteristics of economy, technology, market, and comprehensive utilization of multiple elements. At present, it is very important for prospecting and exploration of mineral resources with new metallogenic theories and technologies. The knowledges of the regional regularity of mineral spatial-temporal distribution is the base for the arrangement of prospecting whereas the mineral models are the guidance for exploration. New and available technologies applied are the key factor for both prospecting and exploration. In this paper we also briefly discuss the current situation and development trends of varied technologies including air reconnaissance geophysics, ground survey geophysics and tunnel geophysics, remote sensing, geochemical exploration, drilling technology, AI big data-cloud computing for targets selected and intelligence technology system of prospecting and exploration. We also discuss the reason why it is shortage of talent young people to join the exploration teams and encourage the graduate students and post-graduate students to do the job in the field rather than writing papers only in laboratory. At same time we suggest it is necessary to promote the working setting and welfare, which could attract people to join. Moreover, we strength that it must continue optimizing mining market so as to join international tracts and attract more and more social fund to invest in the field of prospecting and exploration. In this way, it can push to find and explore more and better mineral resources in near future.
毛景文,刘敏,姚佛军,谢桂青,袁顺达.2024.当前中国找矿勘查值得关注的问题与发展方向[J].矿床地质,43(6):1211~1222MAO JingWen,LIU Min,YAO FoJun,XIE GuiQing,YUAN ShunDa.2024.Some points concerned in field of prospecting and exploration in China and future considerations[J].Mineral Deposits43(6):1211~1222