
长安大学地球科学与资源学院, 陕西 西安 710061;中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所 自然资源部成矿作用与资源评价重点实验室, 北京 100037;甘肃厂坝有色金属有限责任公司, 甘肃 成县 742500
Source of ore-forming metals in Changba-Lijiagou super-large Pb-Zn deposit, Gansu Province: Evidence from in-situ S-Pb and Zn isotopic compositions of sphalerite
WEI Ran,WANG YiTian,HU QiaoQing,HUANG ShiKang,DOU Ping,and HU WenRong
(School of Earth Sciences and Resources, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710061, Shaanxi, China;Institute of Mineral Resources, China Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China;Gansu Changba Nonferrous Metals Co. Ltd., Chengxian 742500, Gansu, China)


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投稿时间:2022-01-25   修订日期:2022-06-11      网络发布日期:2022-09-09
Abstract:Changba-Lijiagou giant Pb-Zn deposit is located in the Xicheng ore cluster, West Qingling polymetallic metallogenic belt. The deposit is hosted in Middle Devonian Anjiacha Formation dolomitic marble and quartz schist. The ore genesis has been debated for years, which is mainly about syngenetic sedimentary or epigenetic mineralization. In this study, the Zn isotopic compositions of sphalerites formed in different stages are investigated by MC-ICP-MS and in-situ S, Pb isotopic compositions of different stages sphalerites are investigated by LA-MC-ICP-MS. The results are used to determine the metal origins and precipitation mechanism of sulfides, which provide new evidence for ore genesis. The sphalerites formed in three different stages (Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ) exhibit various Zn isotopic compositions (δ66Zn=0.08‰ to 0.29‰, on average of 0.20‰; δ66Zn=0.19‰ to 0.37‰, on average of 0.30‰; δ66Zn=0.36‰ to 0.37‰, on average of 0.37‰), and the in-situ S isotopic composition (δ34S=20.9‰ to 26.1‰, on average of 24.4‰; δ34S=12.2‰ to 21.9‰,on average of 19.1‰; δ34S=18.2‰ to 24.7‰, on ave-rage of 21.5‰). The Pb isotopic compositions of ore minerals formed in the three stages change little (206Pb/204Pb=17.922~18.013, 207Pb/204Pb=15.567~15.647, 208Pb/204Pb=37.990~38.266). The δ66Zn isotopic compositions indicate that the ore-forming metal was derived from the host rock of marine carbonate in the early stage, and the δ66Zn isotopic values gradually increased due to fluids mixing with the magmatic hydrothermal or Rayleigh distribution in the middle and late stage of mineralization. The δ34S isotope values indicate that the early sulfur source was mainly sulphate in the strata. The decrease of δ34S isotope values in the middle and late stages might be attributed to increasing of the S2- component in the magmatic hydrothermal fluid, the sphalerite is precipitated from sulfate through TSR reaction. The Pb isotope values show that the metallogenic material comes from the upper crust, mixed partly with the metamorphosed basement. This study indicates that the mineralization mechanism of the Changba-Lijiagou Pb-Zn deposit is the mixing of fluids from different sources, and the rapid change of pH and temperature of ore-forming fluids caused the precipitation of sulfides.

WEI Ran,WANG YiTian,HU QiaoQing,HUANG ShiKang,DOU Ping,and HU WenRong.2022.Source of ore-forming metals in Changba-Lijiagou super-large Pb-Zn deposit, Gansu Province: Evidence from in-situ S-Pb and Zn isotopic compositions of sphalerite[J].Mineral Deposits41(4):722~740
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