
贵州大学资源与环境工程学院, 贵州 贵阳 550025;喀斯特地质资源与环境教育部重点实验室, 贵州 贵阳 550025;西南能矿集团股份有限公司, 贵州 贵阳 550003;贵州地矿集团有限公司, 贵州 贵阳 550081
Geochemical characteristics and enrichment mechanism of Li in Xinmin bauxite deposit, Guizhou
LONG Zhen,FU Yong,HE Wei,TANG Bo,LONG KeShu,LIU Yang,and WANG TianShun
(College of Resource and Environmental Engineering, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, Guizhou, China;Key Laboratory of Karst Geological Resources and Environment, Ministry of Education, Guiyang 550025, Guizhou, China;Southwest Energy Group Co. LTD, Guiyang 550003, Guizhou, China;Guizhou Geology and Mining Group Co. LTD, Guiyang 550081, Guizhou, China)


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投稿时间:2021-03-28   修订日期:2021-07-11      网络发布日期:2021-08-30
Abstract:Xinmin bauxite deposit is located in the eastern wing of the Datang syncline in Wuchuan-Zheng' an-Daozhen area (also called Wuzhengdao for abbreviation) in northern Guizhou, and there are abundant bauxite (stone) type Li resources. The w(Li) of different lithologies of ore-bearing strata Dazhuyuan Formation (P1d) are slightly different:the average w(Li) of earth-semi-earthy bauxite is 16.34×10-6, the average w(Li) of compact massive bauxite is 803.84×10-6, the average w(Li) of bauxite stone is 1436.22×10-6and that of clay stone is 786.62×10-6, the average w(Li) of mudstone in Liangshan Formation is 51.82×10-6, the average w(Li) of mudstone (shale) in Hanjiadian Group is 48.52×10-6, the average w(Li) of Huanglong Formation limestone is 11.99×10-6. It can be concluded that the bauxite (stone) type Li resources in the study area are mainly enriched in compact massive bauxite, bauxite stone and clay stone in the middle and upper part of the ore-bearing strata, and the Li content of foot wall, hanging wall and earth-semi-earthy bauxite is low. In mineral assemblages, Li mainly enriched in kaolinite, illite (hydromica), residual gibbsite and boehmite also host small amounts of Li. Li content is high when those Li-bearing minerals (kaolinite, illite/hydromica, gibbsite and boehmite) are all in the sample, and the correlation between the major elements w(Al3O2), w(SiO2), w(MgO), w(K2O), w(TiO2) and w(TFe2O3) and w(Li) also confirms this result. The geochemical ratios of CIA, w(Sr)/w(Cu), w(CaO)/w(MgO), w(Sr)/w(Ba), w(V)/w(V+Ni) and w(La)/w(Y) in the study area show that in the hot and humid paleoclimate, the organic matter decays to form an acidic environment. In the semi-closed bay environment, the moderate strong chemical weathering degree and suitable weathering exposure and erosion time in the clayification stage are beneficial to the chemical bond breaking of aluminosi-licate minerals and silicate minerals, and the enrichment of Al3+ to form kaolinite; after strong and long time weathering & erosion, Si was continually removed but Al enriched to form bauxite dominated by diaspore. In a weak acid-weak alkaline and oxidation-reduction transition conditions, kaolinite can adsorb Li to the maximum extent. Key Words:geology, bauxite (stone) type Li resources, kaolinite, influencing factors, enrichment mechanism, Xinmin

LONG Zhen,FU Yong,HE Wei,TANG Bo,LONG KeShu,LIU Yang,and WANG TianShun.2021.Geochemical characteristics and enrichment mechanism of Li in Xinmin bauxite deposit, Guizhou[J].Mineral Deposits40(4):873~889
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