
安徽省地质矿产勘查局 321 地质队, 安徽 铜陵 244033,自然资源部深地动力学重点实验室, 中国地质科学院地质研究所, 北京 100037,自然资源部深地动力学重点实验室, 中国地质科学院地质研究所, 北京 100037,中国地质科学院地质力学研究所, 北京 100081,安徽省地质矿产勘查局 321 地质队, 安徽 铜陵 244033,安徽省地质矿产勘查局 321 地质队, 安徽 铜陵 244033,安徽省地质矿产勘查局 321 地质队, 安徽 铜陵 244033
Ore-forming ages and sources of metallogenic materials of Fenghuangshan ore field in Tongling
WANG CiSong,WU CaiLai,ZHENG Kun,WU Di,SHAN ShiFeng,LI Xiang,GU QuanDe
(321 Geology Party, Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Exploration of Anhui Province, Tongling 2440331, Anhui, China;Key Laboratory of Deep-Earth Dynamics of MNR, Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China;Institute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100081, China)


摘要点击次数: 1949   全文下载次数: 1509   点此下载全文
投稿时间:2017-07-20   修订日期:2018-06-04      网络发布日期:2019-01-09
中文摘要:铜陵是长江中下游铁铜金等多金属成矿带上一个重要的矿集区,凤凰山矿田是铜陵矿集区七大矿田之一,位于铜陵市东南部,近东西向铜陵-戴家汇构造-岩浆-成矿带的中部。为了探讨凤凰山矿田的成矿时代、成矿流体特征及其成矿物质来源,文章对矿田内仙人冲铜矿、清水塘铜矿、铁山头铜矿、金山冲铜矿、龙潭肖铜矿、朱家山铜矿、药园山铜矿开展了Re-Os同位素定年以及碳、氧、硫、铅同位素分析。结果表明,凤凰山矿田成矿时代为140.9~142.2 Ma,方解石的碳、氧同位素分析显示凤凰山矿田成矿流体δ13CV-PDB值为-4.3‰~+2.9‰,暗示成矿流体中的碳具多来源特征,部分来自岩浆,部分来自沉积碳酸盐围岩;测试样品的δ18OV-SMOW值为+10.7‰~+13.2‰,反映成矿流体中的水以岩浆热液为主;矿田内主要矿床硫化物的δ34S值为+0.2‰~+6.5‰,硫具有岩浆来源特征,且部分可能来自幔源,铅同位素也显示了相似的特征。辉钼矿样品中的w(Re)为47.1×10-6~103.2×10-6,显示出壳幔混合源的特征。
Abstract:Tongling is an important ore cluster in the Middle-Lower Yangtze River Fe-Cu-Au-polymetallic metallogenic belt. Fenghuangshan is one of the seven ore fields in Tongling area. It is located in the southeast of Tongling City, and in the middle part of Tongling-Daijiahui tectonic-magmatic-metallogenic belt. Re-Os isotopic dating and C, O, S, Pb isotope geochemistry were analyzed in this paper in order to discuss the ore-forming ages, characteristics of the ore fluid and sources of the ore-forming materials. The results show that the ore-forming ages of the Fenghuangshan ore field are between 140.9 Ma and 142.2 Ma. The δ13CV-PDB values of the ore-forming fluid are from -4.3‰ to +2.9‰. It is suggested that the carbon in the ore-forming fluid has the feature of multi-source, which is from magma and the surrounding carbonate rock. The δ18OV-SMOW values of the samples rang from +10.7‰ to +13.2‰, implying that the magmatic fluid is dominant in the ore fluid. The δ34S values of sulfides vary from +0.2‰ to +6.5‰, indicating that most of the sulfur in the ore fluid was derived from the magma, partly probably from the mantle. The characteristics of the lead isotope are similar to those of the sulfur isotope. w(Re) in the molybdenite range from 47.1×10-6 to 103.2×10-6, revealing the characteristics of crust-mantle mixed sources.

WANG CiSong,WU CaiLai,ZHENG Kun,WU Di,SHAN ShiFeng,LI Xiang,GU QuanDe.2018.Ore-forming ages and sources of metallogenic materials of Fenghuangshan ore field in Tongling[J].Mineral Deposits37(6):1195~1216
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