
自然资源部成矿作用与资源评价重点实验室 中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所, 北京 100037,自然资源部成矿作用与资源评价重点实验室 中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所, 北京 100037,武警黄金第七支队, 山东 烟台 264000,中海油研究总院有限责任公司, 北京 100027,武警黄金第十支队, 云南 昆明 650111,山西省地球物理化学勘察院, 山西 运城 044004,山西省地球物理化学勘察院, 山西 运城 044004,山西省地球物理化学勘察院, 山西 运城 044004,中条山有色金属集团有限公司, 山西 垣曲 043700,中条山有色金属集团有限公司, 山西 垣曲 043700,中条山有色金属集团有限公司, 山西 垣曲 043700,中条山有色金属集团有限公司, 山西 垣曲 043700
Characteristics of ore-forming fluids of Tongkuangyu porphyry copper deposit in Zhongtiao Mountain, Shanxi Province
LI HongYing,LUO WenJuan,SUN JunGang,YANG Lei,XIE KunQi,ZHOU XinPeng,XUE ShengSheng,YIN DeWei,GUO ShuangLong,ZHAO FengChun,LÜ FengJie,CHEN YongPing
(MNR Key Laboratory of Metallogeny and Mineral Assessment, Institute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China;No.7 Gold Geological Party, CAPF, Yantai 264000, Shandong, China;No.10 Gold Geological Party, CAPF, Kunming 650111, Yunnan, China;CNOOC Research Institute Co., Ltd., Beijing 100027, China;Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration of Shanxi Province, Yuncheng 044004, Shanxi, China;Zhongtiaoshan Non-ferrous Metals Group Co., Ltd., Yuanqu 043700, Shanxi, China)


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投稿时间:2017-08-07   修订日期:2018-06-06      网络发布日期:2018-11-03
Abstract:Located in the Zhongtiao Mountain copper metallogenic belt, the Tongkuangyu copper deposit is one of the oldest porphyry Cu (Mo) deposits in China. Through detailed field geological survey and petrographic as well as microthermometric studies of fluid inclusions, the authors investigated the origin, characteristics and evolution of ore-forming fluid and the source of ore-forming materials. The ore-forming process of the Tongkuangyu copper deposit can be divided into five stages:red albitization (quartz-albite) stage, potash feldspar-quartz stage, quartzsulfide stage, quartz-carbonate stage (quartz-calcite-sulfide stage and quartz-sulfide-ankerite stage), and carbonate stage. Quartz and calcite associated with the mineralization contain abundant fluid inclusions. According to the fluid inclusion compositions and the phases presented at room temperature, five different types of fluid inclusions were distinguished:liquid-vapor inclusion (Ⅰ-type), multi-phase inclusion (Ⅱ-type), aqueous-CO2 inclusion (Ⅲ-type), vapor-rich or gas inclusion (Ⅳ type) and pure liquid inclusion (Ⅴ). Group inclusions composition and H, O, S isotopes were used to study the origin, property and evolution of the ore-forming fluids as well as ore-forming materials. On such a basis, the genesis of the Tongkuangyu copper deposit was revealed. The ore-forming fluid was magmatic fluid with medium-high temperature, high oxygen fugacity, rich CO2 at the early stage, whereas the middle stage fluids evolved into reducing fluids due to boiling, temperature decreasing, dropping of oxygen fugacity, and escaping of CO2 and led to the precipitation of metal sulfide. With the addition of atmospheric precipitation and cooling, metamorphic hydrothermal fluids with low temperature, medium-low oxygen fugacity, low salinity, and poor-CO2 were formed. The isotope composition of oxyhydrogen-oxygen (δ18OH2O values from -6.5‰ to -1.10‰, and δDVSMOW values from -99‰ to -58‰) shows that, from the early stage of mineralization to the post-ore stage, the fluids were characterized by the evolution from mainly deep-sourced fluids to the gradual addition of shallow-sourced meteoric water. 9 samples from the Tongkuangyu copper deposit yielded a range of sulfur isotope values (1.1‰ to 4.8‰, 2.44‰ on average), and also suggest that the ore-forming materials mainly came from deep region.

LI HongYing,LUO WenJuan,SUN JunGang,YANG Lei,XIE KunQi,ZHOU XinPeng,XUE ShengSheng,YIN DeWei,GUO ShuangLong,ZHAO FengChun,LÜ FengJie,CHEN YongPing.2018.Characteristics of ore-forming fluids of Tongkuangyu porphyry copper deposit in Zhongtiao Mountain, Shanxi Province[J].Mineral Deposits37(5):1091~1110
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