
中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所 国土资源部成矿作用与资源评价重点实验室, 北京 100037,中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所 国土资源部成矿作用与资源评价重点实验室, 北京 100037,北京市丰台区人民政府宛平城地区办事处, 北京 100072,广西壮族自治区岑溪市工业和信息化局, 广西 岑溪 543200,中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所 国土资源部成矿作用与资源评价重点实验室, 北京 100037,新疆维吾尔自治区有 色地质勘查局704队, 新疆 哈密 839000,新疆维吾尔自治区有 色地质勘查局704队, 新疆 哈密 839000,新疆维吾尔自治区有 色地质勘查局704队, 新疆 哈密 839000
Fluid inclusions and stable isotope study of Yuhai copper-(molybdenum) deposit in eastern Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang
LIU ShuaiJie,YU JinJie,WANG TieZhu,LU BangCheng,CHEN BaoYun,CHEN ShouBo,HUANG BaoQiang,WANG Chao
(MLR Key Laboratory of Metallogeny and Mineral Assessment, Institute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China;Wanping Sub-Regional Office of Beijing Fengtai District Government, Beijing 100072, China;Guangxi Cenxi Bereau of Industry and Information Technology, Cenxi 543200, Guangxi, China;No. 704 Geological Party, Non-ferrous Geoexploration Bureau of Xinjiang, Hami 839000, Xinjiang, China)


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投稿时间:2017-09-04   修订日期:2018-02-08      网络发布日期:2018-04-25
中文摘要:玉海铜(钼)矿床成矿岩体为石英闪长(玢)岩,矿化呈细脉状、细脉-浸染状和稀疏浸染状。围岩蚀变主要为钾硅酸盐化、石英-绢云母化、青磐岩化和黏土化蚀变。矿床类型为斑岩型。铜(钼)矿化主要发育于钾硅酸盐化阶段、石英-绢云母化阶段和青磐岩化阶段。流体包裹体可划分为气液两相包裹体、含子晶三相包裹体和CO2包裹体3种类型。钾硅酸盐化阶段的均一温度为307~423℃,盐度w(NaCleq)为4.18%~10.11%,密度0.62~0.77 g/cm3,属于高温、中-低盐度流体;石英-绢云母化阶段均一温度为172~336℃,盐度为w(NaCleq)为3.23%~8.55%,密度0.70~0.93 g/cm3,属于中温、低盐度流体;晚期青磐岩化阶段均一温度155~296℃,盐度w(NaCleq)为3.71%~9.08%,密度0.80~0.96 g/cm3,属于中低温、低盐度流体。从早阶段到晚阶段,成矿流体温度逐渐下降,各成矿阶段成矿流体盐度均小于11%,但钾硅酸盐化阶段成矿流体盐度稍高。石英-绢云母化阶段成矿流体δD=-91.6‰~-72.1‰,δ18OH2O=-1.8‰~6.3‰;青磐岩化阶段成矿流体δD=-97.1‰~-68.3‰,δ18OH2O=-6.3‰~2.2‰;成矿流体具有岩浆水和大气降水混合特征,但青磐岩化阶段大气降水含量更高。硫化物的δ34S值为-3.5‰~2.8‰,硫来自石英闪长(玢)岩。
Abstract:The Yuhai porphyry Cu-(Mo) deposit is hosted by a quartz diorite (porphyrite) stock. Mineralization occurs as veinlets, veinlet-disseminations, and sparse disseminations, and is associated with quartz diorite (porphyrite). The wall-rock alterations include K-silicate alteration, quartz-sericite alteration, propylitic alteration and clay alteration. The mineralization can be divided into K-silicate stage, quartz-sericite stage and propylitic stage. Copper and molybdenum mineralization occurred at the every stage. Three types of fluid inclusions were recognized:vapor and liquid two-phase inclusions, daughter mineral-bearing three-phase inclusions and CO2 inclusions. Homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions at the K-silicate stage range from 307℃ to 423℃ with salinities from 4.18% to 10.11% and densities from 0.62 g/cm3 to 0.77 g/cm3, indicating high temperature and middle to low salinity inclusions. Homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions at the quartz-sericite stage range from 172℃ to 336℃ with salinities from 3.23% to 8.55% and densities from 0.70 g/cm3 to 0.93 g/cm3, indicating middle temperature and low salinity inclusions. Homogenization temperatures of the latest propylitic stage vary from 155℃ to 296℃ with salinities from 3.71% to 9.08% and densities from 0.80 g/cm3 to 0.96 g/cm3, indicating middle-low temperature and low salinity inclusions. Temperatures decreased gradually from early stage to late stage with the slightly high salinities at the K-silicate stage. The δ18OH2O values of the ore-forming fluids of the quartz-sericite stage range from -1.8‰ to 6.3‰ with δD from -91.6‰ to -72.1‰ while δ18OH2O values of the ore-forming fluids at the propylitic stage range from -6.3‰ to 2.2‰ with δD from -97.1‰ to -68.3‰,implying that ore-forming fluids were mixed magmatic fluids and meteoric water. Nevertheless, the quartz-sericite stage contained a higher portion of magmatic fluids than the propylitic stage. The δ34S values of sulfides range from -3.5‰ to 2.8‰. The sulfur in the Yuhai Cu-(Mo) deposit was derived from magma, i.e., from ore-forming quartz diorite (porphyrite).

LIU ShuaiJie,YU JinJie,WANG TieZhu,LU BangCheng,CHEN BaoYun,CHEN ShouBo,HUANG BaoQiang,WANG Chao.2018.Fluid inclusions and stable isotope study of Yuhai copper-(molybdenum) deposit in eastern Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang[J].Mineral Deposits37(2):371~386
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