
中国地质调查局武汉地质调查中心, 湖北 武汉 430205;东华理工大学地球科学学院, 江西 南昌 330013;东华理工大学省部共建核资源与环境国家重点实验室培育基地, 江西 南昌 330013,东华理工大学地球科学学院, 江西 南昌 330013;东华理工大学省部共建核资源与环境国家重点实验室培育基地, 江西 南昌 330013,中国地质调查局武汉地质调查中心, 湖北 武汉 430205,中国地质调查局武汉地质调查中心, 湖北 武汉 430205,中国地质调查局武汉地质调查中心, 湖北 武汉 430205
Ore genesis of Tangbian Pb-Zn deposit in Tongren, Guizhou: Evidence from ore-forming fluids and isotopes
YU YuShuai,GUO FuSheng,DAI PingYun,LIU Asui,ZHOU Yun
(Wuhan Center of Geological Survey, CGS, Wuhan 430205, Hubei, China;School of Earth Science, East China University of Technology, Nanchang 330013, Jiangxi, China;State Key Laboratory Breeding Base of Nuclear Resources and Environment, East China University of Technology, Nanchang 330013, Jiangxi, China)


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投稿时间:2016-07-26   修订日期:2017-02-25      网络发布日期:2017-05-13
Abstract:The Tangbian Pb-Zn deposit is located in the southeast of Yangtze landmass. It is adjacent to the famous Huayuan Pb-Zn orefield. The orebody, occurs in algal limestone of Lower Cambrian Qingxudong Formation, showing layered and bedded forms. Sphalerite and galena are the main ore minerals. Systematical study of fluid inclusions in sphalerite and calcite associated with mineralization was conducted through the analysis of homogenization temperatures, salinity, gas compositions, liquid compositions by heating/freezing system, and C, H, O isotopes of calcite were also analyzed in this paper. The results show that the ore-forming fluid is characterized by low temperature of 92~193℃, relatively high salinity of 8.9%~21.2% and relatively high density of 0.98~1.1 g/cm3. The cations in the fluid inclusions are mainly Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+ and K+, while the anions are mainly Cl-, NO3-, F- and Br-. The gas compositions of fluid inclusions are N2, H2O, CO2, O2 and a small amount of reducing gas such as CH4. The δ13CV-PDB, δ18OV-SMOW and δDV-SMOW of calcites are respectively from -0.5‰ to 1.5‰, from 21.2‰ to 25.1‰ and from -93‰~-57‰, with δ18Ofluid values of ore-forming fluid being from 8.8‰ to 12.7‰. According to the above result, the authors believe that the ore-forming fluid had the feature of multi-source, and there were ancient seawater, formation water, metamorphic water, organic water and a little rainwater. Based on a comparison of the Tangbian Pb-Zn deposit with the sediment-hosted base metal sulfide deposits in the world, the authors classified the Tangbian Pb-Zn deposit as the MVT Pb-Zn deposit. On such a basis and according to previous studies, the relationship between Pb-Zn mineralization and evolution of the Hunan-Guizhou fault zone was discussed.

YU YuShuai,GUO FuSheng,DAI PingYun,LIU Asui,ZHOU Yun.2017.Ore genesis of Tangbian Pb-Zn deposit in Tongren, Guizhou: Evidence from ore-forming fluids and isotopes[J].Mineral Deposits36(2):330~344
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