
中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所, 北京 100037,中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所, 北京 100037,中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所, 北京 100037,中国冶金地质总局第二地质勘察院, 福建 莆田 351111,国家地质实验测试中心, 北京 100037,中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所, 北京 100037
Enrichment characteristics of Nb and Ta of Daping granite porphyry in Yongding, Fujian Province
LIU YongChao,LI JianKang,ZOU TianRen,JIANG ShanYuan,HU MingYue,CHEN Zhen Yu
(Institute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China;No. 2 Geoexploration Institute of CEEB, Putian 351111, Fujian, China;National Research Center for Geoanalysis, Beijing 100037, China)


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投稿时间:2015-05-19   修订日期:2015-07-21      网络发布日期:2017-03-11
Abstract:The Daping granite porphyry intrusion with Nb-Ta mineralization is located in Dashiao-Landi volcanic basin in the south of Yongding, Fujian Province. The intrusion is characterized by porphyritic texture, felsitic texture and micro-fine granular texture in the matrix. The mineralogical and petrochemical characteristics of the rock samples from different depths of drill hole ZK10001 were investigated by means of electron microprobe analysis and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The result indicates that the rock is protolithionite alkali-feldspar granite porphyry and belongs to peraluminous calc-alkaline series with a high degree of evolution, whose Nb2O5 and Ta2O5 values reach industrial grades of granitic Nb-Ta deposit. The ores mainly exhibit disseminated and fine-grained disseminated structure, in which ore minerals mostly occur in voids of matrix as mineral aggregates of topaz, fluorite and niobium-tantalum minerals, while a fraction occurs in phenocrysts. The occurrence characteristics of ore minerals are similar to those of the Yichun Ta-Nb deposit, which may meet the demand of ore dressing and smelting and may have certain economic value. The enrichment characteristics of Nb and Ta of Daping intrusion indicate that the enrichment process can be divided into two stages:Phenocrysts formation in deep process and matrix formation in shadow process, which is different from features of porphyry Cu-Mo deposits and granitic Nb-Ta deposits. Nb and Ta tended to enter residual melt and were concentrated in voids of the matrix under the role of volatiles (for example, F). The mineralization characteristics of Daping intrusion imply the possible existence of porphyry Nb-Ta deposit.

LIU YongChao,LI JianKang,ZOU TianRen,JIANG ShanYuan,HU MingYue,CHEN Zhen Yu.2017.Enrichment characteristics of Nb and Ta of Daping granite porphyry in Yongding, Fujian Province[J].Mineral Deposits36(1):143~157
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