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Breakthrough in geological prospecting based on study of metallogenic regularity
ZHANG XinHu,REN FengShou,YU Chao,LIU JianHong,ZHAO YanQing,ZHANG FaRong,JIA ZhiLei
(Gansu Bureau of Geology and Mineral Exploration and Development, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu, China;Geological Survey of Gansu Province, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu, China)


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投稿时间:2015-07-31   修订日期:2015-09-02      网络发布日期:2015-12-31
Abstract:Gansu Province is relatively rich in mineral resources thanks to the complicated geological environment and favorable mineralization condition which can be ascribed to its special location which is the connection between Paleo-Asia,marginal Pacific and Tethys tectonic domain and strides Beishan,Qilanshan and west Qinling inland orogenic belt that include some uplifts and blocks such as Dunhuang,Alxa,middle Qilian and Ordos.In this paper,the authors studied metallogenic series and pedigree of each mineralization unit in terms of tectonics,stratigraphic division,rock formation and mineral distribution,and summarized 10 groups of minerogenetic series,54 minerogenetic series,42 minerogenetic sub-series and 82 deposit styles;on such a basis,the authors grouped them into 4 associations and 16 types of minerogenetic series.By studying the minerogenetic pedigree of Beishan-Altun,Qilianshan-Longshoushan,Qinling metallogenic provinces,the authors revealed the characteristics of tectonic environment,metallogenic cycles and main minerogenetic seiries of key metallogenic zones.Following the thought of absence prospective idea,the authors adjusted regional mineral prospective plan,carried out prospecting in new regions and new horizons for new types and species of minerals and achieved obvious results:① In West Qinling region,the Dashui gold deposit in Maqu County and the Jiagantan gold deposit in Xiahe County are listed as one of 10 key prospecting achievements of Ministry of Land and Resources in 2010 and 2013 respectively;② In the Xihe-Chenxian Pb-Zn orefield,resource reserves of the Chanba mine has increased greatly,and a new type of gold deposit was discovered in Daqiao;③ In western segment of North Qilian,the Kawa iron concentration area will replace Jingteishan mine as the next resource mine;④ In Altun metallogenic zone,the Qingshagou manganese deposit is likely to be a breakthrough of manganese prospecting in the different strata.The gold reserves of Gansu possess the second place in China,the manganese reserves possess the eighth,the zinc reserves possess the third,and the lead reserves possess the sixth.These achievements demonstrate that the theory of metallogenic series has strong vitality and scientific basis.

ZHANG XinHu,REN FengShou,YU Chao,LIU JianHong,ZHAO YanQing,ZHANG FaRong,JIA ZhiLei.2015.Breakthrough in geological prospecting based on study of metallogenic regularity[J].Mineral Deposits34(6):1130~1142
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