
中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所 国土资源部盐湖资源与环境重点实验室, 北京 100037;中国地质大学地球科学与资源学院, 北京 100083;中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所 国土资源部盐湖资源与环境重点实验室, 北京 100037;北京市理化分析测试中心, 北京 100089;中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所 国土资源部盐湖资源与环境重点实验室, 北京 100037
Influence factors Ⅰ: Temperature, CO2 and H2S gas over copper activation migration in NaCl-H2O system under condition of atmospheric pressure and low temperature
REN CaiXia,MA LiChun,TANG QingFeng,CAO YangTong
(MLR Key Laboratory of Saline Lake Resources and Environments, Institute of Mineral Resources, CAGS, Beijing 100037, China;China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China;Beijing Center for Physical & Chemical Analysis, Beijing 100089, China)


摘要点击次数: 1950   全文下载次数: 1894   点此下载全文
投稿时间:2014-02-20   修订日期:2015-03-10      网络发布日期:2015-05-06
中文摘要:文章采用室内模拟实验, 研究了不同浓度的NaCl-H2O体系与CO2、H2S气体交互作用对砂岩中铜的活化萃取作用。结果表明, 高盐度卤水在0~90℃范围内, 随着温度的升高, 对铜的活化能力逐渐增强, 尤其是在50℃以上, 铜的活化效果十分显著, 而高温和高盐度的交互作用可极大增强铜的活化能力;在常温常压条件下, 随NaCl-H2O体系盐度升高, 溶解CO2的能力也增强, pH值相应下降, 溶液呈弱酸性, 铜的活化能力增强;在CO2作用下, 卤水体系的盐度与pH值、Eh值及Cu的释出量均表现出明显的线性关系, 相关系数R2分别为0.9699、0.9704和0.9782;而H2S气体的通入, 不利于Cu的活化迁移, 主要以沉淀作用为主。
中文关键词:地球化学  卤水  铜活化  温度  CO2  H2S
Abstract:This paper focuses on the copper activation and extraction of sandstone-hosted copper deposits under the interaction effect of salinity, CO2 and H2S gas in the NaCl-H2O system on the basis of laboratory simulation experiments. The experimental results indicate that the copper activation capability of high-salinity brine systems increases gradually with the rising temperature from 0℃ to 90℃; especially when the temperature is higher than 50℃, the activation effect of copper is quite remarkable. The interaction effect of high-temperature and high-salinity can enhance the copper activation capability greatly. Under the condition of atmospheric pressure and normal temperature, the higher the salinity in NaCl-H2O system, the more the dissolved CO2, and, what is more, the pH value tends to be lowered, the solution tends to become weak acid, and the copper activation effect increases accordingly. There exists good linear relationship between salinity and pH, Eh, dissolved Cu, with the correlation coefficient being 0.9699, 0.9704 and 0.9782 respectively. The input of hydrogen sulfide(H2S) decreases the activation and transportation of copper, and hence the precipitation of CuS takes place, resulting dominantly in the sedimentation process.

基金项目:本文由中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项基金(编号: K1010/YK1404)、国家自然科学基金青年基金(编号: 41002028)和国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目(编号: 2011CB403007)共同资助
REN CaiXia,MA LiChun,TANG QingFeng,CAO YangTong.2015.Influence factors Ⅰ: Temperature, CO2 and H2S gas over copper activation migration in NaCl-H2O system under condition of atmospheric pressure and low temperature[J].Mineral Deposits34(2):397~403
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