
中国科学院地球化学研究所 矿床地球化学国家重点实验室, 贵州 贵阳 550002;桂林理工大学 广西矿冶与环境科学实验中心, 广西 桂林 541004;中国科学院地球化学研究所 矿床地球化学国家重点实验室, 贵州 贵阳 550002;中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所 国土资源部成矿作用与资源评价重点实验室, 北京 100037;桂林理工大学 广西矿冶与环境科学实验中心, 广西 桂林 541004;桂林理工大学 广西矿冶与环境科学实验中心, 广西 桂林 541004;桂林理工大学 广西矿冶与环境科学实验中心, 广西 桂林 541004
Enrichment of indium in west ore belt of Dachang orefield: Evidence from ore textures and sphalerite geochemistry
PI QiaoHui,HU RuiZhong,WANG DengHong,MIAO BingKui,QIN XiaoFeng,CHENG HongYi
(State Key Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochemistry, Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guiyang 550002, Guizhou, China;Guangxi Scientific Experiment Center of Mining, Metallurgy and Environment; Guilin University of Technology, Guilin 541004, Guangxi, China;MLR Key Laboratory of Metallogeny and Mineral Assessment, Institute of Mineral Resources CAGS, Beijing 100037, China)


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投稿时间:2014-01-06   修订日期:2014-12-16      网络发布日期:2015-05-06
中文摘要:广西大厂锡多金属矿田是世界最主要的铟产地之一, 对其的富集机制还有很大争议。文章以大厂矿田西矿带高峰矿床和铜坑矿床中的闪锌矿为研究对象, 在野外和室内矿相显微观察的基础上, 应用高精度电子探针与等离子体质谱分析手段, 研究稀散元素铟的空间分布规律、赋存状态及与主成矿元素的关系, 揭示其在闪锌矿中的富集规律。实验结果表明, 铜坑矿床中闪锌矿内稀散元素铟的含量随深度增加而减少, 而高峰矿床中铟含量却保持稳定;铟主要以类质同象形式赋存, 与铜以双替代锌的形式进入闪锌矿晶格中, 也不排除铟以微细包体形式赋存的可能。结合前人研究, 推断燕山晚期复式岩体岩浆演化末期花岗斑岩侵位冷却过程中, 岩浆结晶产生的富铟、铜等流体对早期生成的闪锌矿进行交代并富集。这一研究结果为寻找稀散元素铟指示了方向。
Abstract:The Dachang tin-polymetallic deposit in northwestern Guangxi contains large amounts of indium.The mechanisms of indium concentration are rather complex and remain unclear. In this study, the spatial distribution of various elements (including indium), their modes of occurrence, and their relationship with the main ore-forming elements were investigated. Based on field investigation and microscopic observation, the authors conducted ion-coupled plasma mass spectroscopy and electron microprobe analysis of indium in sphalerite from the tin-polymetallic sulfide deposits of the Dachang orefield. The results show that the concentration of scattered element indium in sphalerite of the Tongkeng deposit decreases with the depth, whereas it is stable in the Gaofeng deposit. Indium isomorphically occurs in sphalerite, and there is a positive correlation between In and Cu, supporting the argument for coupled substitution: In3++Cu+→2Zn2+, although it may also be present in sub-microinclusions. Combined with previous studies, it is concluded that In, Cu, and Sn-bearing fluids were exsolved from the cooling granite porphyry magma and formed In-bearing sphalerite by replacement of the pre-existing sphalerite. These results provide guidance for future indium exploration.

基金项目:本文得到中国三稀金属资源战略调查(编号:1212011120354)和博士启动基金(编号: 201005)联合资助
PI QiaoHui,HU RuiZhong,WANG DengHong,MIAO BingKui,QIN XiaoFeng,CHENG HongYi.2015.Enrichment of indium in west ore belt of Dachang orefield: Evidence from ore textures and sphalerite geochemistry[J].Mineral Deposits34(2):379~396
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