
中铝矿产资源有限公司, 北京 100082;中铝矿产资源有限公司, 北京 100082;中国黄金集团内蒙古矿业有限公司, 内蒙古 满洲里 021400;中铝西藏矿业有限公司, 西藏 拉萨 814000;中铝矿产资源有限公司, 北京 100082;中铝西藏矿业有限公司, 西藏 拉萨 814000;中铝西藏矿业有限公司, 西藏 拉萨 814000;中铝矿产资源有限公司, 北京 100082;中铝矿产资源有限公司, 北京 100082
Alteration, mineralization, and three-dimensional exploration model of Rongna and Naruo deposits in Tiegelong orefield, Duolong ore concentration area, northern Tibet
JIANG ShaoQing,LI Li,FENG Rui,SUN XingGuo,YANG TieZheng,YUAN HuaShan,YIN XianBo,WANG Ce,PAN YanBing
(Chinalco Resources Corporation, Beijing 100082, China;China Gold Inner Mongolia Mining Co., Ltd., Manzhouli 021400, Inner Mongolia, China;Chinalco Tibet Mining Company, Lhasa 814000, Tibet, China)


摘要点击次数: 3877   全文下载次数: 2445   点此下载全文
投稿时间:2014-04-01   修订日期:2014-05-15      网络发布日期:2015-05-06
中文摘要:铁格隆矿田位于班公湖-怒江成矿带西段的多龙矿集区西北部。2012~2013年中铝矿产资源有限公司在铁格隆矿田长5.5 km、宽3 km范围内探获2个超大型铜金矿床——荣那和拿若矿床, 新增铜金属量640.27万吨, 伴生金金属量136.14 吨, 伴生银金属量1780.09 吨。文章重点研究了荣那和拿若矿床的成矿地质条件、找矿标志、矿体空间结构、三维勘查模型等。研究表明, 两矿床的赋矿地层均为中侏罗统色哇组变质(长石)石英砂岩, 但两矿床又有不同:① 荣那矿床的斑岩-浅成低温热液体系中花岗闪长斑岩、花岗斑岩控制了铜金矿体的分布, 黄铁绢英岩化带构成主要矿化蚀变带;② 拿若矿床东北侧为斑岩型高品位铜金矿体, 黄铁绢英岩化带构成主要矿化蚀变带;西南侧为隐爆角砾岩型低品位铜金矿体, 青磐岩化带构成主要矿化蚀变带。文章还介绍了近两年在该矿田找矿取得的实践经验:通过开展三维地质建模和蚀变矿物解译, 结合物化探数据的二次开发, 查明地质时空分布特征, 建立矿床蚀变模型, 进一步对资源进行动态评价, 指导了成矿预测, 提高了找矿效率。
Abstract:The Tiegelong orefield is located in northwestern Duolong ore concentration area along westernern Bangong Co-Nujiang River suture zone. In 2012~2013, Chinalco Resources Corporation found two superlarge copper-gold deposits of Rongna and Naruo in the Tiegelong orefield within an area of 5.5 km×3 km, and increased mineral resources by Cu 6.4027×106 t, Au 136.14 t and Ag 1780.09 t. This paper deals with the geological setting, prospecting indicators, spatial structures of orebodies, and 3D exploration models for Rongna and Naruo deposits. Researches indicate that the two deposits are both hosted in altered (feldspathic-) quartz sandstone of the Middle Jurassic Sewa Formation, and have the following characteristics: ① The Rongna deposit belongs to a porphyry-epithermal system, and have two different stages of diorite-porphyry and granite-porphyry which control the layout of orebodies. The pyrite-phyllic alteration forms the major mineralization zone; ② The Naruo deposit shows distinct characteristics in two different areas: in the northeastern area, the high-grade Cu-Au orebody is of the porphyritic type, and the pyrite-phyllic alteration forms the major mineralization zone; in the southwestern area, the low-grade Cu-Au orebody is of the cryptoexplosive breccia type, and the propylitization alteration forms the major mineralization zone. Combined with significant geological exploration achievements recently obtained in the Tiegelong orefield, the authors gained some experience in the ore-prospecting work: On the basis of conducting three-dimensional geological modeling, carrying out alteration minerals interpretation and establishing alteration models, in combination with geophysical and geochemical data, researchers could conduct dynamic resource evaluation, which might further guide metallogenic prediction and improve prospecting efficiency.

基金项目:本文得到国家自然科学基金(编号: 41102021)的资助
JIANG ShaoQing,LI Li,FENG Rui,SUN XingGuo,YANG TieZheng,YUAN HuaShan,YIN XianBo,WANG Ce,PAN YanBing.2015.Alteration, mineralization, and three-dimensional exploration model of Rongna and Naruo deposits in Tiegelong orefield, Duolong ore concentration area, northern Tibet[J].Mineral Deposits34(2):209~224
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