
中国地质大学地球科学与资源学院, 北京 100083;中国人民武装警察部队黄金第二总队, 河北 廊坊 065000;中国地质大学地球科学与资源学院, 北京 100083
Geological characteristics and genesis of Hongzhuang gold deposit in Xiong’ershan area
HOU HongXing,ZHANG DeHui
(School of Geosciences and Resources, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China;No. 2 Gold Geological General Party of CAPF, Langfang 065000, Hebei, China)


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投稿时间:2013-03-13   修订日期:2014-01-17      网络发布日期:2014-04-26
中文摘要:红庄金矿是黄金部队在熊耳山地区开展金矿勘查发现的一个大型金矿床。矿床产于近EW向马超营断裂带与NE向红庄-青岗坪断裂交汇部位,中元古代熊耳群中酸性火山岩地层中。稳定同位素资料显示红庄金矿成矿元素和成矿热液具多源性,主要为幔源或下地壳源,部分来自于熊耳群火山岩。红庄金矿金矿化分2个阶段:第一阶段为石英-黄铁矿阶段,矿化形成深度约1.7~2.71 km,流体主要来源于岩浆水,均一温度为302℃,盐度w(NaCleq)为4.6%~5.7%;第二阶段为石英-多金属硫化物阶段,矿化形成深度约0.9~1.16 km,有部分大气降水混合,均一温度为112~150℃,盐度w(NaCleq)为1.7%~2.0%。矿床受控于近EW向马超营断裂,形成于华北东部南北主应力场向东西主应力场构造体制大转折晚期,岩石圈大规模减薄作用开始之初,成矿时代为燕山中晚期,属与燕山期花岗岩浆活动有关的中-低温热液构造蚀变岩型金矿床。对红庄金矿床的地质特征、控矿因素、矿床成因的综合研究及地质勘查工作成果表明,近EW向断裂不仅控制了区域构造格局,同时也可作为储矿构造;本区区域构造-岩浆-流体活动强烈,成矿物质来源丰富,成矿空间范围广,成矿地质条件优越,深部及外围仍有巨大的找矿潜力。红庄金矿的发现对指导本区外围金及多金属勘查工作具有一定地质意义。
中文关键词:地质学  金矿床  地质特征  矿床成因  红庄  熊耳山
Abstract:Located in the middle part of EW-trending Machaoying fault zone, the Hongzhuang Au deposit has resources of about 25 ton Au, making it one of the largest orogenic mesothermal-epithermal Au deposits hosted in volcanic rocks of the ~1.8 Ga Mesoproterozoic Xiong'er Group in the Xiong'ershan terrane. Stable isotope data show that the metallogenic elements and ore-forming fluids of the Hongzhuang Au deposit were derived from a variety of sources, mainly from the mantle or lower crust and partly from the volcanic rocks of Xionger Group. The first stage (quartz-pyrite) mineralization with the depth of about 1.7~2.71 km was mainly derived from magmatic fluid (302℃, w(NaCleq) 4.6%~5.7%), whereas the second stage with the depth of about 0.9~1.16 km (quartz-polymetallic sulfide) was partly mixed with some meteoric water (112~150℃, w(NaCleq) 1.7%~2.0%). Based on data obtained from recent research and exploration in such aspects as geological characteristics, ore-controlling factors and the genesis of the deposit, the authors hold that the Hongzhuang Au deposit is a typical orogenic-type hydrothermal gold deposit structurally controlled by EW-trending Machaoying fault, thus belonging to orogenic mesothermal-epithermal tectonic altered rock deposit formed in medium-late Yanshanian epoch and geodynamically corresponding to the transformation period of the tectonic system from NS direction to nearly EW direction in East China. Nearly EW-trending faults not only controlled the tectonic pattern but also served as the storage structure of large ore deposits. Because of the strong magma-fluid-tectonic activities, the Hongzhuang Au deposit had abundant sources at various ore-forming stages, varied metallogenic types and wide ore-forming space. As a result, there is huge potential for prospecting in the depth and the outskirts of the Hongzhuang Au deposit. The discovery of the Hongzhuang Au deposit in this area has certain guiding significance for gold and polymetallic prospecting.

HOU HongXing,ZHANG DeHui.2014.Geological characteristics and genesis of Hongzhuang gold deposit in Xiong’ershan area[J].Mineral Deposits33(2):350~360
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