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A tentative discussion on ore-controlling factors, ore genesis and metallogenic model of Houwanling Pb-Zn deposit in Hainan Province
FU WangWei,XU DeRu,FU YangRong,YANG ChangSong,ZHOU YingChun,YANG DongSheng,WU ChuanJun,WANG ZhiLin
(Key Laboratory of Mineralogy and Metallogeny, Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong, China;Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;Institute of Geology and Exploitation of Hainan, Haikou 570206, Hainan, China)


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投稿时间:2011-12-18   修订日期:2012-09-16     
中文摘要:后万岭铅锌矿床是近年来海南省找矿的一项重要进展,探明的铅锌金属量大于29万吨(Pb 4.4万吨,Zn 24.6万吨),平均品位为锌2.23%、铅0.95%。该矿床产于千家超单元岩体内,后者是中-晚侏罗世在后造山期地壳大面积伸展减薄的构造背景下,由壳-幔混源岩浆间歇性多期侵入的产物。千家岩体各单元花岗岩属于壳-幔混合型的高钾钙碱性岩石或钾玄岩,具有明显的成分及结构演化的连续性。其稀土元素总量较高,但变化范围较大〔ΣREE=(122.61~410.58)×10-6〕,具有显著至中等的负铕异常(δEu=0.13~0.69),其稀土元素配分曲线呈右倾型(LREE/HREE=6.74~16.32),并强烈亏损Ba、Nb、Ta、Sr、P、Ti,相对富集Rb、K、Pb等。千家岩体花岗质岩浆演化过程中存在大量的热液流体,同时,其造岩矿物中Pb、Zn的含量远高于地壳丰度值,深部热能及浅部放射性生热元素的高含量促使浅部热液对流循环,在较长时间内不断萃取成矿物质,有利于在断裂带内富集成矿。后万岭铅锌矿床严格受到千家岩体及发育于其内的NNW向-近SN向扭张性断裂的控制,矿体以充填、交代的方式就位于NNW向-近SN向扭张性断裂带内及附近。矿相学分析和矿区地质资料揭示出该矿床至少经历了4期热液成矿作用:① 成矿早期,为粗粒黄铁矿形成阶段;② 成矿中期,是闪锌矿主要成矿阶段;③ 成矿中-后期,是黄铜矿主要形成阶段;④ 成矿后期,是方铅矿主要成矿阶段,其成矿热液可能受到斑岩岩浆的控制。矿区内的NNW向-近SN向断裂活动过程对应了后万岭铅锌矿的成矿过程,成矿早期与成矿中期归入左旋张扭性断裂活动阶段,成矿中-后期和成矿后期归入右旋压扭性断裂活动阶段。据此笔者认为,后万岭铅锌矿属于燕山晚期后造山环境下严格受NNW向-近SN向扭张性断裂约束的热液脉型矿床,就位于千家岩体斑岩成矿系统的顶端或远端,最终归纳总结出了后万岭铅锌矿床成矿模式图。
Abstract:The discovery of the Houwanling Pb-Zn deposit in Ledong County of Hainan Province has been a very important achievement in ore exploration of Hainan Province in recent years. The Houwanling deposit contains proved Pb+Zn metal reserves of 290 thousand tons with average grades of Zn 2.23% and Pb 0.95%. The deposit is hosted by the Cretaceous Qianjia pluton which had a crust mantle mixed origin due to intermittent magmatic intrusion and was produced in a post-collisional extensional environment in middle-late Jurassic period. This calc-alkaline-dominated pluton, which is extremely depleted in Ba, Nb, Ta, Sr, P and Ti and relatively enriched in Rb, K and Pb, shows a shift from high-K to shoshonite association and is characterized by obvious succession in composition and structure. The Qianjia pluton comprises the monzogranite-granodiorite-syenogranite association and is geochemically characterized by high REE content (ranging from 122×10-6 to 411×10-6), moderate to high negative Eu anomalies (δEu=0.13~0.69) and relatively high LREE/HREE ratios (6.74~16.32). There existed lots of hydrothermal fluids during the evolution of granitic magmas. Furthermore,the abundances of Pb and Zn in rock-forming minerals of the Qianjia pluton's granites are much higher than those in the earth's crust. Deep heat and high content of radioactive heat-producing elements (such as K, Rb) in the shallow part caused convective circulation of hydrothermal fluids in the shallow part, which continuously extracted metallogenic material in a fairly long time. At last, sphalerite and galena were deposited. The deposit is strictly controlled by both the Qianjia pluton and the NNW-nearly SN trending transtensional faults, whereas the ore bodies are largely hosted in the NNW-nearly SN transtensional fault zones or distributed adjacent to the fault zones. Based on thin section observation, the authors obtained abundant important information: course-grained pyrite and fractured pyrite were filled with chalcopyrite, indicating that some of the course-grained pyrite underwent faulting activities, and course-grained pyrite was generated earlier than chalcopyrite with mesh texture at a temperature of 300~400℃; skeletal texture resulted from replacement of course-grained pyrite by sphalerite, indicating that sphalerite was generated after course-grained pyrite; corona texture resulted from replacement of chalcopyrite by covellite, indicating that covellite was generated in the shallow part at a low temperature below 300℃; emulsion texture and grating texture resulted from the separation of chalcopyrite from sphalerite, indicating that chalcopyrite-sphalerite solid solution had a initial temperature of about 550℃. Geological data reveal that the Houwanling Pb-Zn ore deposit probably underwent multistage mineralization and experienced at least more than four main stages of hydrothermal mineralization: ① the generation of course-grained pyrite at early stage of mineralization; ② the deposition of sphalerite mainly at the middle stage of mineralization; ③ the formation of chalcopyrite mainly at the middle or late stage of mineralization; ④ the generation of galena mainly at the late stage of mineralization. The ore-forming fluid might have been released from fractiona- ting porphyry magma. The authors thus consider that the Houwanling Pb-Zn deposit is a hydrothermal vein-type deposit in peripheral or supergene location of the porphyry system, strictly controlled by NNW-nearly SN transtensional faults and formed in an extensional environment of post-collision in late Cretaceous. On such a basis, a metallogenic model to explain ore genesis of the Houwanling Pb-Zn ore deposit is put forward in this paper.

基金项目:本文得到海南省资源潜力评价项目(编号: 1212010881625)资助
FU WangWei,XU DeRu,FU YangRong,YANG ChangSong,ZHOU YingChun,YANG DongSheng,WU ChuanJun,WANG ZhiLin.2012.A tentative discussion on ore-controlling factors, ore genesis and metallogenic model of Houwanling Pb-Zn deposit in Hainan Province[J].Mineral Deposits31(6):1211~1226
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