
A tentative discussion on exploration model for potash deposits in basins of China


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中文摘要:钾盐是中国紧缺的重要战略资源之一,寻找大型钾盐矿是中国矿床学界的一大难题。文章通过综合国内外找钾成果,提出了盆地找钾矿的准则,主要涉及:① 分析盆地含盐系沉积时期是否出现长期干旱气候条件和丰富的钾源补给,确定蒸发沉积是否到钾盐析出阶段;② 在什么层位成钾;③ 钾盐在盆地什么构造部位沉积;④ 在什么新构造部位找钾。钾盐找矿的基本步骤是,在查明盆地成钾的宏观条件之后,解决上述有关成钾科学问题并阐明成钾机理,最后圈定找矿靶区,并开展勘查评价。罗布泊盐湖找钾是盆地找钾的成功范例之一,找钾模型就建立在与其相关的经验和理论基础之上,即,首先通过塔里木与柴达木盆地成钾宏观对比研究,确定罗布泊具备成钾条件,然后,应用相关理论及经验圈定成矿靶区,并实施工程验证,最终取得了找钾重大突破,这既得益于前人资料的积累和柴达木盆地经验与理论的应用,也是不断创新成钾理论与长期开展实际地质工作的结果。总之,钾盐找矿评价遵循“从已知到未知、从理论到实践、再理论再实践”的原则,学习和吸收国内外新理论成果,使得找钾工作不断上新台阶。
中文关键词:地质学  罗布泊盆地  钾盐  找矿模型
Abstract:Potash salt is one of the mineral resources in great shortage in China. The prospecting of superlarge potash deposits has been a big puzzle within the mineral resource realm of China. Based on a synthetic analysis of research conditions in this aspect both in China and abroad, this paper deals with the principles for potash exploration in evaporative basin from macro-scale to micro-scale angles, which include:① to analyze whether there was a super-arid paleoclimate and considerable potassium supply during the long-term salt sedimentation,to ascertain if the paleo-lake water had developed to the crystallizing stages of potash salt owing to strong evaporation; ② to make certain in which strata potash was formed; and ③ to determine in which structural location of evaporative basin the potash deposits were formed; ④ to make sure which location of neotectonic transformation is favorable for exploring potash deposits under the modern landform conditions. The basic procedure for seeking potash deposits is as follows: first to find out the macroscopic potash-forming conditions, then to ascertain the microscopic potash-forming conditions, and finally to delineate the targets and distribution areas of the potential potash deposits and conduct validating work through drilling. The potash exploration in the Lop Nur Playa is one of the successful representative cases for potash deposit exploration in China. A potash-seeking model has been established on the relevant experience and studies of the potash exploration of the Lop Nur Playa, i.e., first to conduct a comparative study of the potash-forming conditions between the Tarim and the Qaidam Basin and ascertain better potash-forming conditions for Lop Nur Playa, then to ascertain the targets for potash formation on the basis of relevant studies, and finally to carry out drilling for validating potash deposits in the target area. These achievements have made an important progress in discovering superlarge potash deposits in the Lop Nur Playa. In conclusion, the potash exploration and appraisal should follow the principle of “from known to unknown and from theory to practice and then from practice back to theory again”. Through the perseverant study and absorqtion of theories and experiments available in China and abroad, the potash-seeking work will surely achieve new results in future.

刘成林,焦鹏程,王弭力.2010.A tentative discussion on exploration model for potash deposits in basins of China[J].Mineral Deposits29(4):581~592
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