
Migration regularity of major elements and REE in Wenglang structural altered rock type gold deposit, Congjiang County


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中文摘要:根据野外对从江翁浪地区蚀变岩型金矿床内岩石变形特点的分析,在 典型剖面中划 分出了3个不同的构造变形带,即简单变形带(未蚀变带)、复杂透镜体带(强蚀变带)和 叠加透镜体带(弱蚀变带)。不同构造带中Au的含量不同,其特点为:复杂透镜体带>叠加 透镜体带>简单变形带,即Au在构造变形强烈的区域富集。对3个变形带内的常量元素迁移规 [HJ]律和稀土元素特征进行了探讨:① 常量元素的迁移规律明显,从叠加透镜体带和复杂透 镜体 带到简单变形带,明显带出的主要成分为SiO2、MnO、K2O、FeO、TiO2,说明引起蚀 变的流体中富含SiO2、MnO等;而P2O5、Fe2O3、MgO、Na2O、CaO等成分明显带入,说明矿化作用导致P2O5、Fe2O3等向矿体迁移富集。② 简单变形带的稀土元素总量高于叠加透 镜体带和复杂透镜体带,稀土元素配分曲线为右倾型,轻稀土元素富集。δEu都小于1以及δCe都大 于1,说明该矿区的成矿环境为氧化性质环境。该矿床样品的稀土元素配分曲线图显示出,大部 分矿体和围岩的曲线以及石英脉的曲线与辉绿岩的曲线基本相同,说明矿体的成矿物质大部分来源于深部;矿体与围岩有小部分曲线趋于相同,可认为矿体的成矿物质有小部分来自于围岩。最后,对金的富集机制进行了简要的论讨,认为元素在成矿过程中的迁移能力受到动力变形机制以及元素自身离子半径的影响。
Abstract:Based on field characteristics of the Wenglang structural altered rock type gold deposit, the authors recognized three different tectonic deformation belts in t he typical profile, namely simple deformation belt (unaltered belt), superimpose d lens belt (weakly altered belt) and complicated lens belt (strongly altere d belt). The variation of Au content in the three different tectonic deformation bel ts is in order of complicated lens belt superposed lens belt simple deformation belt. An analysis of major element migration regularity and REE characterist ics in these belts has led to the following conclusions: ① The migration regula rity of major elements is obvious. The major components which migrated from the complicated deformation belt and the superimposed lens belt into the simple defo rmation belt included SiO2, MnO, K2O, FeO and TiO2, suggesting that the li quids with abundant SiO2, MnO etc. could cause alteration. The components P2O5, Fe2O3, MgO, Na2O and CaO were obviously brought in, implying that mineralization ma de such major components as P2O5 and Fe2O3 move into and concentrated in t he ore body. ② Total REE quantity in the simple deformation belt is above the superimpo sed lens belt and the complicated deformation belt. The rare earth element curve s assume a rightly dipping REE pattern and the enrichment of LREE. δEu values a re all lower than 1, whereas δCe values are all higher than 1. The mineralizati on took place in an oxidation environment. The REE patterns show that most curves of the ore body and wall rock are basically the same as those of quartz veins a nd diabase. It turns out that the source of ore-forming materials was derived fr om the depth. A few curves of the ore body and wall rock tend to be similar to e ach other. All these data indicate that the source of the ore-forming material p artly came from the wall rock. The mechanism for gold enrichment is also briefly discussed. It is held that the element migration capability in the ore-forming process depended on two factors,namely dynamic deformation mechanism and ionic radii.

.2010.Migration regularity of major elements and REE in Wenglang structural altered rock type gold deposit, Congjiang County [J].Mineral Deposits29(3):489~500
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