
中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所 国土资源部成矿作用与资源评价重点实验室,新疆有色地质勘查局706队,中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所 国土资源部成矿作用与资源评价重点实验室
Fluid inclusion characteristics and mineralization of Dadonggou Pb-Zn ore deposit in Altay, Xinjiang
LIU Min,ZHANG ZuoHeng,WANG YongQiang,GUO XuJi,CHEN WeiShi
(MLR Key Laboratory of Metallogeny and Mineral Assessment, Institute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;No. 706 Geological Party, Xinjiang Geoexploration Bureau for Nonferrous Metals)


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中文摘要:大东沟铅锌矿床位于阿尔泰山南缘克兰盆地内,矿体呈层状展布,与地层产状一致,直接容矿围岩为下泥盆统康布铁堡组火山_沉积岩,矿石构造以条带状、浸染状、细脉状为主,矿石矿物成分相对简单,主要为方铅矿、闪锌矿和黄铁矿等。文章对大东沟铅锌矿床不同成矿阶段的石英、方解石和闪锌矿中的流体包裹体进行了测温,对石英和闪锌矿中的流体包裹体进行了激光拉曼光谱分析,并对部分石英样品进行了气相及离子色谱分析。结果表明,大东沟铅锌矿床流体包裹体主要有NaCl-H2O、CO2-H2O±CH4和CO2-H2O-NaCl三种类型;均一温度变化范围较大,为97.3~480℃,主要集中于140~300℃,流体盐度w(NaCleq)为0.2%~57.1%,主要集中于3.2%~14.8%;流体包裹体气相成分主要为CO2和H2O,含少量CH4、N2、H2等,液相成分以Na+、Ca2+、F-、Cl-为主,K+、SO42-次之,并含少量Mg2+、Br-和NO-3,计算所得的离子浓度为36.6%~58.0%。结合已有的稳定同位素资料,方解石中的δ13C V-PDB值为-4.2‰~0.4‰,石英流体包裹体中的δDV_SMOW为-89‰~-127‰,计算所得的石英及方解石的δ18O水值在-11.4‰~7.6‰之间,表明成矿流体主要为岩浆水与大气降水的混合物,流体中的碳主要来源于海相碳酸盐岩,成矿流体的物理化学条件的改变及流体的不混溶作用在成矿过程中起了重要作用
Abstract:The Dadonggou Pb_Zn ore deposit is located in the Kelan volcanic_sedimentary basin, the biggest basin on the southern margin of the Altay Mountains, with the attitude of its ore bodies the same as that of the strata. The ore_bearing wall rock is mainly volcanic_sedimentary rock of the Lower Devonian Kangbutiebao Formation, and the ores occur in bedded, disseminated and veinlet forms. Ore minerals consist simply of galena, sphalerite and pyrite. In this paper, the authors carried out systemic measurements of homogeneous and freezing temperatures and salinities of fluid inclusions in quartz, calcite and sphalerite formed at different ore_forming stages in the Dadonggou Pb_Zn deposit. Chromatographic analysis of quartz samples and laser Raman spectroscopic analysis of fluid inclusions in quartz and sphalerite were also conducted. Three main types of fluid inclusions, namely NaCl_H2O inclusions, CO2-H2O±CH4 inclusions and CO2-H20-NaCl inclusions were identified. The homogenization temperatures of the fluid inclusions vary remarkably from 97.3℃ to 480℃, mostly in the range of 140~300℃. The salinities w(NaCleq) of fluids range from 0.2% to 57.1 %, mostly between 3.2 % and 14.8%. The gas components of fluid inclusions are mainly CO2 and H2O, with minor amounts of such components as CH4, N2 and H2. The liquid components of fluid inclusions are mainly Na+, Ca2+, F- and Cl-, subordinately K+ and SO42-, and small amounts of Mg2+, Br- and NO-3, with the calculated ion concentration ranging from 36.6% to 58.0%. According to previously analyses of the isotopic composition of C, H, O and S of the ores, the δ13CV-PDB values of calcite range from -4.2‰ to 0.4‰, the Δdv-SMOW of the inclusions in quartz range from -89‰ to -127‰ , and the δ18OH2O values of quartz and calcite range from -11.4‰ to 7.6‰. It is suggested that the ore_forming fluid was mainly derived from the mixed meteoric water and magmatic water. The carbon in the ore fluid was mainly derived from marine carbonates. The change of physicochemical conditions and the immiscibility of CO2-H2O exerted the main effect on the ore_forming process of the Dadonggou Pb-Zn ore deposit.

基金项目:国家科技支撑重点项目(编号 2006BAB07B08_01和2006BAB07B02_05))和地质调查项目(编号 1212010634001)
刘 敏,张作衡,王永强,郭旭吉,陈伟十.2009.新疆阿尔泰大东沟铅锌矿床流体包裹体特征及成矿作用[J].矿床地质,28(3):282~296
LIU Min,ZHANG ZuoHeng,WANG YongQiang,GUO XuJi,CHEN WeiShi.2009.Fluid inclusion characteristics and mineralization of Dadonggou Pb-Zn ore deposit in Altay, Xinjiang[J].Mineral Deposits28(3):282~296
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