
Structural ore-control regularities of Ertix gold belt in north Xinjiang


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Abstract:The Ertix gold belt lies in the Ertix ductile shear zone on the southern margin of the Altay area in northern Xinjiang. Geological researches indicate that gold mineralization was well developed along the whole Ertix gold belt in the period from Late Carboniferous to Early Permian, obviously controlled by the Ertix ductile shear zone and the secondary fault system. Based on detailed geological and structural studies of the Ertix ductile shear zone and 21 typical gold deposits, especially the Duolanasayi, Tuokuzibayi, Sarbulake, Kekesayi and Mareletie gold deposits, the authors have reached some new conclusions:① the Ertix ductile shear zone is broadly tapered, becoming narrower to the east, i.e., divergent to the west and convergent to the east; ② ore_control structures and gold mineralization are complex in the western and central parts of the Ertix ductile shear zone, i.e., ore_control structures are late brittle_ductile shearing superimposed on the early ductile shear zone and the original intrusive structures of granites. Mineralization types are quartz veins and disseminated altered rocks. In contrast, the eastern end of the belt is structurally simple, with mineralization being of the mylonitization type; ③ the gold mineralization controlled by the faults becomes shallower and weaker in the east and deeper and stronger in the west along the Ertix gold belt. The authors used the Stratagem EH4 electrical conductivity image system in the Duolanasayi, Tuokuzibayi, Sarbulake and Zhakete gold deposits to verify the results of the geological study and detect the underground details of the ore_controlling structures. Large and deep low_resistivity anomalies were found in the Duolanasayi and Tuokuzibayi gold deposits at the western end of the belt, whereas the Zhakete gold deposit at the eastern end of the belt only has small and sallow low_resistivity anomalies. The results imply that the ore_controlling structures and/or ore bodies in gold deposits at the western end of the belt extend for a considerable distance in the dip direction. Based on the results of detailed geological studies combined with the measurement results of the EH4 electrical conductivity image system, it is held that the western and central parts of the Ertix gold belt are most promising potential targets for finding large_scale gold deposits related to the ductile shear zone.

沈远超,申 萍,李光明,曾庆栋,刘铁兵.2007.新疆额尔齐斯金矿带构造控矿规律研究[J].矿床地质,26(1):33~42
.2007.Structural ore-control regularities of Ertix gold belt in north Xinjiang[J].Mineral Deposits26(1):33~42
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