中文摘要:文章在研究闽中地区铅锌矿床蚀变矿物组合的基础上,将辉石矿物的化学 成分与典型矽卡岩Pb_Zn矿床的辉石成分进行了对比,认为该区铅锌矿床的辉石与典型矽卡 岩中的辉石类似,为透辉石和钙铁辉石,富锰,具有远温端矽卡岩辉石的特征。因此推论本 区铅锌矿床大部分类似于矽卡岩型Pb_Zn矿床,少数为受断裂控制的热液脉型矿床,是海底 火山喷发沉积形成的初始矿源层经变质作用、燕山期构造_岩浆热液顺层交代、强烈叠加改 造或活化并重新定位的矿床。
Abstract:Based on a study of the altered mineral assemblage from Pb_Zn deposits in centra l Fujian Province, the authors compared their pyroxenes in chemical composition with those from skarn Pb_Zn deposits. It is considered that the pyroxenes from t he Pb_Zn deposits in this area are similar to those from skarn Pb_Zn deposits, b eing manganese_rich diopside and hedenbergite with features of distal skarn pyro xenes. It is thus concluded that the Pb_Zn deposits are mostly akin to skarn Pb_ Zn deposits and partly belong to hydrothermal deposits controlled by faults, and that they are ore deposits subjected to metamorphism, replacement, superpositio n along the bed, strong reformation, or remobilization and deposition by Yanshan ian tectono_magmatic hydrothermal fluids.
狄永军,吴淦国,张 达,余心起,林东 燕,石建基, 臧文拴, 张祥信,汪群 峰.2006.闽中地区铅锌矿床辉石成分特征及其成因意义[J].矿床地质,25(2):123~134狄永军,吴淦国,张 达,余心起,林东 燕,石建基, 臧文拴, 张祥信,汪群 峰.2006.Composition characteristics of pyroxenes from Pb_Zn deposits in central Fuji an Province and their genetic significance [J].Mineral Deposits25(2):123~134