Abstract:According to the interplay relationship between oceanic and continental plates and the evolution of the orogenic belts of China continent, the metallogenic provinces of porphyry copper deposits in China are divided into Paleo_Asiatic, North Tethys, South Tethys (Himalayan) and Circum_Pacific metallogenic provinces. These metallogenic provinces can be further divided. The Paleo_Asiatic metallogenic province might be subdivided into Pz1-2 ore_forming belt in the northern margin of North China landmass, Pz3 ore-forming belt in the northeastern marg in of Kazakhstan landmass, Pz2-3 ore-forming belt in the southern margin o f Kazakhstan landmass and Pz3 ore_forming belt in the southern margin of Siber ian plate; the North Tethys metallogenic province into Upper Triassic Yidun ore-forming belt in the western margin of Zhongzan landmass, Paleocene Yulong ore-fo rming belt in the northern margin of Qiangtang landmass (Changdu_Simao landmass) , Upper Paleozoic_Cenozoic ore_forming belt in the southern margin of Tarim land mass and Paleocene ore_forming belt in the western margin of Yangtze landmass; t he South Tethys metallogenic province into Bangonghu and Gangdise ore-forming be lt; and the Circum_Pacific metallogenic province into Upper Mesozoic ore-forming belt of the active continental margin and Paleocene_Pliocene ore-forming belt o f the island arcs. A comprehensive study of the evolutionary history of China co ntinent and metallogenic conditions of prophyry Cu deposits would give us more v aluable reference materials.
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