
Integrated Prospecting Model for Gacun Volcanic-hosted Massive Sulfide Deposit, Sichuan Province


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Abstract:The Gacun volcanics-hosted massive sulfide (VHMS) deposit is the largest gold-bearing and silver-rich polymetallic deposit in southwest "Three River" area, and hence a comprehensive prospecting model is needed for regional ore prognosis. Extensive geophysical experiments, such as magnetics, Control Source Audio Frequency Magnetotellurics (CSAMT), Transient electromagnetic Method (TM) and high density electric method, were conducted in the deposit. The results obtained, combined with other studies such as mineral geology, geochemistry, remote sensing, have led to the formulation of a comprehensive prospecting model followed by six principal headings: (1) Regional geological setting; (2) Local geological setting; (3) Geological prospecting criteria; (4) Regional geophysical (geochemical) and re mote sensing definition of the deposits ; (5) Physical proper ties of the ore and host rocks; (6) Geophysical expression of the deposits. According to the six principal headings, the ore-prospecting model for VH MS deposits can be summarized as follows : the deposits were produced in back-island arc rift settings related to extensional regimes, and controlled by local fault basin. The magmatic activities were moderate and lasted for a long time , and the intrusion evolved from acid to basic, with the acid magmatism being dominant. The geological prospecting criteria include the presence of copper mineralization or vein type lead-zinc mineralizations which fill in rock cracks, the presence of oxidized sulfide minerals such as malachite and azurite, the existence of the intrusion center and some characteristic rocks such as magmatic-hydrothermal breccia, barite, and dolomite, and the presence of such alterations as chloritization, sericitization and silication. The deposits and neighboring areas show positive magnetic anomalies and gravity gradient anomalies in regional map, the deposits lie at the intersection points between the re mote sensing circular structure and the linear structure, and there exist regional geochemical Pb, Zn, Cu, Ba and As anomalies. The massive orebodies are characterized by high density, low or negative susceptibility, high polarizability and low resistivity; nevertheless, the vein-stockwork orebodies assu me moderate density, low susceptibility and high polarizability. Correspondingly, the deposits show low magnetic, low resistivity and high polarization anomalies. In addition, this paper summarized the technologies used at various stages in the exploration of VHMS deposits, which are of great significance in regional reconnaissance and evaluation.

基金项目:国家“九五”科技攻关91 4项目(编号:96-914-03-01)
吕庆田, 侯增谦, 赵金花, 吴凤翔, 黄力军.2001.四川呷村火山成因块状硫化物矿床的综合找矿模式[J].矿床地质,20(4):313~322
.2001.Integrated Prospecting Model for Gacun Volcanic-hosted Massive Sulfide Deposit, Sichuan Province[J].Mineral Deposits20(4):313~322
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