Abstract:Mouping is the second important large-size vein gold deposit in the eastern Jiaodong Peninsula ( after the Jinqingding gold deposit, Rushan). This paper presents Sm-Nd isotope data of ores ( quartz-sulfides) and sulfides from auriferous quartz-pyrite-pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite-galena veins in the Mouping deposit. Goldbearing veins are hosted by the Mesozoic granitoids, which were intruded by quartz-sulfides veins and porphyry maficdikes. Initial Nd isotope ratios of the ores and sulfides are εNd,T = - 19.45 ~ - 20.71 andεNd,T = - 15.49 ~ -20.55, respectively. Quartzs were in subsolid state and were isotopically exchanged with late hydrothermal fluids and wallrocks, and hence cannot be used to trace the source of mineralizing materials. Comparing with the Nd isotopic composition of dikes and granitoids, it is concluded that the mineralizing materials were derived from dikes and granitoids. The age difference between gold mineralization and granitoids exceeds 10 Ma, indicating that the mineralizing fluids were derived from meteoritic water instead of from granitic magma, for the duration of hydrothermal fluid activity associated with a single intrusion is shorter than l Ma. The same age for gold mineralization and dikes and the shift of O-H isotopic composition of ores indicate that the mineralizing fluids must have been derived from a mixture of dike-magmatic water and meteoric water. The mineralizing materials were derived from mantle-derived dike-magmas and wallrocks which were permeated by meteoric water. This study also shows that neodymium isotope is a good tracer for gold mineralizing materials.
keywords:Nd isotope, Sulfides, Mineralizing materials, Mouping Gold Deposit, eastern Jiaodong Peninsula
基金项目:国家科技部“973”项目(J1999043207)和中国科学院知识创新工程项目(KZC Xl-07)
杨进辉,翟明国,周新华.2001.胶东牟平金矿矿石、硫化物钕同位素组成及地质意义[J].矿床地质,20(3):279~284.2001.Nd Isotopic Composition of Ores and Sulfides from the Mouping Gold Deposit, Eastern Jiaodong Peninsula: Constraints on the Origin of Mineralizing Materials and Metallogenesis[J].Mineral Deposits20(3):279~284