
Types, geological background, metallogenic provinces and ore-forming systematics of major copper deposits in eastern China


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中文摘要:通过对我国东部22个大型以上及40余个中型铜矿床的综合调研,并与国外对比得出如下结论:①中国中东部陆壳是在几个古陆块基础上增生起来的,铜矿成矿作用在空间上向板块边缘推移,与块体边缘地球化学急变带有密切联系,在时间上越来越新:②大型铜矿可分6大成矿期,以中生代最重要,次为晚古生代、中(新)元古代:③我国东部地壳运动频繁而又比较强烈,就形成大型铜矿床的环境而言,内生成分较多的矿床类型比外生成分较多的矿床类型可能更有利。铜矿床可分9大类型,斑岩型最有潜力。提出并论证铜质得以大规模堆积的4类成矿系统:①划分出9个成矿集中区、远景区:② 分析了中国东部中生代火山侵入岩带的构造性质及中国东部斑岩铜矿规模上不如美洲西岸的原因。
Abstract:Based on a comprehensive investigation into 22 large-sized and over 40 medium-sized copper deposits in eastern China in comparison with some copper deposits abroad, this paper has reached the following conclusions: (1) The continental crust in eastern China was formed by accretion around several older massifs throughout the geological ages, which led to the migration of the metallization of large copper deposits towards the margins of the old plates with the lapse of time. Therefore, large copper deposits in eastern China mostly occur along margins of platforms, accretionary fold belts and intracontinental faulted down warping belts , showing close relation to the geochemical sharp-chanege zones along massif margins. (2) There are six major metallogenic epochs for large copper deposits in eastern China. Of these the Mesozoic is the most important one, and next come Late Paleozoic and Mesoproterozoic. (3) Among the nine types of copper deposits found in eastern China, the porphyry type is most important, followed by sub marine sedimentshosted massive sulfide type, skarn type, VMS, and Cu-Ni type. The submarine sedimentshosted massive sulfide type, subaerial hudrothermal sedimentary type and subvolcanic hydrothermal vein type copper deposits are three new types proposed by the authors. The Eastern Chinese continent is characterized by varied plate tectonic styles as well as frequent and rather strong crustal activation. Therefore, so far as the formation of large copper deposits is concerned, the environment see ms to be more favorable for the deposits of mainly endogenic origin than those dominated by exogenic origin. The complicated multi-cycle crustal activity in eastern China led to the presence of metallogenic inheritance and "isolocalization" metallization within a single mining regime. (4) The paper suggests and de monstrates four metallogenic syste matics in which copper material can be accumulated massively. (5) Nine metallogenic provinces and prospects were delineated, of which the Lower Yangtze depressive zone, Jiangnan axis and Xikang-Yunnan axis provinces are most important. In addition, this paper also deals with the tectonic property of Mesozoic volcanic-intrusive domains in eastern China and the factors responsible for the fact that porphyry copper deposits in eastern China are much smaller in size and quantity than those in western America .

秦克章,汪东波, 王之田,孙枢.1999.中国东部铜矿床类型、成矿环境、成矿集中区与成矿系统[J].矿床地质,18(4):359~371
.1999.Types, geological background, metallogenic provinces and ore-forming systematics of major copper deposits in eastern China[J].Mineral Deposits18(4):359~371
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