
Regional pattern of element composition and fluid character in medium-low temperature metallogenic province of south China


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Abstract:The medium-low temperature metallogenic province in South China is composed of the “Jiangnan-type” gold and antimony belt in Jiangnan old land, the Hunan-Guizhou mercury belt, the Southwest Carlin-type gold zone ,and the Central Hunan antimony zone. It holds nearly 80% Sb ore reserves of the world and the same proportion of Hg in China. In the last twenty years, a series of important fine impregnation gold deposits, similar to the Carlin-type ones in the United States, have been discovered in the western belt of the province. Its metallogenic epoch is isotopically dated at 180×l06 a to 80×l06 a, mostly falling into Yanshanian and tending to become younger from the early Yanshanian in the southeastern to the middle and late Yanshanian in the northwestern. Similarity in composition and overlapping in space between the association of ore-forming ele ments in the Proterozoic base ment and the economically important metallic paragenesis in the deposits indicates their inheritance relationship. According to the data from nearly thirty important Au, Sb-Hg, As and Pb-Zn deposits in this belt, there is an obvious decreasing and increasing tendency respectively in temperature and salinity of the ore-forming fluids from the east to the west. Salinity of inclusion fluids has a large variation range, from 0.3 to higher than 25 NaCleq. wt%, in the low temperature Au, Sb and Hg deposits in the western and northern basins around the Jiangnan old land, showing evidence for a strong brine mixing process during the formation of the ore deposits. The present paper suggests that there was a close relationship in origin between the medium-low temperature metallogenic province and the world-class tungsten (tin) province in the southeast during the Yanshanian event though the former hardly had any regional magmatic activity while the latter was always associated with granite. These two provinces make up a huge metallogenic super-province with a continent-scale mineralization zoning composed of pneumatolytic-hypothermal-mesothermal-epithermal-low temperature de posits fro m the southeastern to northwestern, together with oil-gas and coal fields in southeastern Sichuan. This shows that in Yanshanian the "Pan- South China region" ( Southeast China, Central South China and Southwest China) experienced large-scale fluid migration and mineralization under the action of the unified thermal field.

.1999.Regional pattern of element composition and fluid character in medium-low temperature metallogenic province of south China[J].Mineral Deposits18(4):347~358
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