
Geochemistry and genesis of the Changkeng large-superlarge gold-silver deposit, Guangdong Province


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Abstract:In the Changkeng gold-silver deposit, SiO2, and Al2O3 contents of mineralized silicified rocks, whose compositions are distributed in both hydrothermal and hydrogenous regions of the Al-Fe-Mn ternary diagram, are 73% t0 95% and l.13% t0 10.44%, respectively. The siliceous gold ores with LREE contents of 33.94×10-6 to 91.86×10-6 are distinctly enriched in LREE, while the LREE enrichment of siliceous silver ores with EREE contents of l.94×10-6 to 45.18×10-6 is lower. Both gold arid silver siliceous ores are rich in As, Sb, Bi, Hg and Ba. In addition, Zn, Pb, Cu contents of the silver ores are also high. The transitional element patterns of ores are similar to those of country rocks. Theδ34S values of sulfides in gold ores vary widely from -35.4‰ to 8.8‰ with an average of -2.4‰, but the δ34S values of sulfides in silver ores are comparatively concentrated, varying from -7.2‰ to 7.3‰, with an average of 2.5‰. The calculated sulfur isotopic composition of the hydrothermal solution is 4‰ to 7‰, and the δ13C values of calcite are -3.23‰ to 0.25‰. The gold ores are enriched in 206Pb with a wide range of 206Pb/204Pb ratio from 18.580 t0 19.885, whereas the silver ores are relatively enriched in 207Pb and 208Pb, with the 207Pb/204Pb ratios being 15.682 to 15.941. Both kinds of ore lead are anomalous lead enriched in radiogenic lead. The sulfur, carbon and lead isotopes of the ore deposit arc crust materials or of sedimentary origin. The δ18O and δD values of the ore-forming solutions derived from evolved heated meteoric waters of formation waters are -5.5‰ to 9. 0‰ and -59‰ to 39‰. The ore-forming solutions mainly contain K+, Ca2+, Na+, Cl- and SO42+ with salinity of 6.0wt% to 15.8wt% NaCl, and the mineralizing temperatures are between 170℃ and 300℃. The metalogenic mechanisms include solution boiling, mixing of fluids, and water-rock interaction. Both siliceous gold ore and silver ore are formed by hydrothermal percolating metasomatism and filling, and hence are products of a unified hydrothermal event in different metallogenic environments and under different ore-controlling conditions. The gold-silver deposit and the Ag-Pb-Zn deposit in this region belong to the same metallogenic series.

张 生, 李统锦, 王联魁.1998.广东长坑大型-超大型金银矿床的地球化学与成因带[J].矿床地质,17(2):125~134
.1998.Geochemistry and genesis of the Changkeng large-superlarge gold-silver deposit, Guangdong Province[J].Mineral Deposits17(2):125~134
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