
A study of rock-controlling and ore-controlling role of the Machaoying fault in western Henan


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Abstract:The Machaoying fault zone is the largest NWW-trending regional deep fault on the southern slope of Xionger Mountain. Formed during the Zhongyueian cycle, it was long active and eventually turned into a large intracontinental compressional (Type A) subduction zone in Mesozoic. It played an important controlling role in rock-forming and ore-forming activity of Xionger Mountain area. In the course of the subduction of Qinling paleooceanic plate to northern North China paleocontinental plate in Micldle Proterozoic , the fault zone became a passage where the magma formed by syntexis of oceanic crust subducted into the mantle migrated upward and finally grew to be the center of the volcanic activity. The fault zone controlled the regional metamorphism and dynamic metamorphism of Xionger Group within it and on its southern and northern sides. There are tight linear folds, greenschists and various dynamic metamorphic rocks within the zone. The fault zone, as the boundary between the Middle Proterozoic arc and the forearc basin, was located in the transitional belt between the uplift and the depession, controlled the northern boundary of Guanciaokou Group and Luanchuan Group, and caused the formation of a series of tight linear NWW-trending,northward dipping overturned folds and NWW-striking thrust faults. Within the fault zone were formed multiperiodic and multi-type dikes and hydrothermal alterations. The rock-forming and ore-forming substances derived from the Yanshanian northward Type A subduction, in particular, provided sufficient materials for the formation of different types of granite bodies, rock belts as well as related ore deposits and ore belts, and controlled their spatial distribution. In the study are at all this finds expression in the proximal distal distribution of transformation series granites such as Huashan-Wuzhang-shan plurons and syntexis series granites such as porphyry-breccias on the hanging wall or the northern side of the fault zone. The role of the fault zone and its derivative NE-trending faults as the passageway of ore materials and in the distribution and storage of ores caused the spreading of ore deposits in zones in east-west direction and in rows in northeast direction.

刘红樱, 胡受奚, 周顺之.1998.豫西马超营断裂带的控岩控矿作用研究[J].矿床地质,17(1):70~81
.1998.A study of rock-controlling and ore-controlling role of the Machaoying fault in western Henan[J].Mineral Deposits17(1):70~81
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