
Ore-forming material sources of gold deposits in the Cambrian silicalite formation, west Qinling


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中文关键词:矿源层  硅岩建造  金矿床  西秦岭
Abstract:Gold deposits occurring in the southern subzone of western Qinling include Laerma and Qiongmo ore deposits and Yaxiang ore occurrence. They are a new type of stratabound bold deposits closely associated with submarine exhalative sedimentation and showing many distinctive features. Existing in the Cambrian silicalite formation composed of black shert and late, the gold deposits are so clearly controlled by strata, host rock types and structures that their stratabound character is agreed by many geologists. The abundances of gold and other elements are relatively high in the Camerian silicalite formation. According to the results of gold absorbing and releasing experiments of organic matters and clay minerals and the results of gold leaching rate, the authors conclude that the activated gold is so light that it can be easily remobilized to take part in the ore-forming process. Co/Ni and S/Se ratios of hydrothermal pyrite vary in the range of 0.0736~0.3263 and 1137~656138 respectively. It is reasonably assumed that the gold deposits have affinity with exhalative-sedimentary silicalite formation. The REE patterns of gold ores are similar to those of the host rocks, with negative Cc and Eu anomalies. The hydrothermal minerals and ores in the gold deposits have δ34S values -32.2‰ ~ +46.9‰ (sulfides) and +2.4‰~+33.3‰ (sulfates), δ13C values -10.3‰~-30.5‰ (organic carbon), δ30Si values -0.2‰~+0.7‰ (quartz) and +0.4‰~+l.3‰ (cherts), ore lead isotopic values 206Pb/204Pb = 16.532 ~37.266, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.257~16.879 and 208Pb/204Pb=36.703~39.555, rock lead isotopic values 206Pb/204Pb=18.635~36.697, and 207Pb/204Pb =15.586~17.821 and 208Pb/204Pb = 36.644~39.638. Hydrothermal fluids have δ18O values -11.06‰ ~ +15.34‰ ( figured out from isotope fractionation equation of quartz-water and barite-witer), δD valucs -58‰~ -122‰, (fluid inclusions). The above-described isotopic study shows that the ore-forming solution was mainly derived from the ancient mete oric water, sulfur in the fluids from the reduced sulfur in the country rocks, carbon from organic carbon in the black layer, and silica from the silicalite formation. Lead isotopic composition shows that the ore lead has genetic relation with the leaching process in the silication formation. Obviously, the silicalitc formation was the main source of the metallogenic materials. During the ore-forming process of hot circulating groundwater (meteoric water), the ore-forming materials in the silicalite formation were remobilized and reconcentreted after migration, resulting in the formation of the present ore deposits.

刘家军,郑明华, 刘建明, 周渝峰, 顾雪祥, 张斌.1997.西秦岭寒武系硅岩建造中金矿床成矿物质来源研究[J].矿床地质,16(4):330~339
.1997.Ore-forming material sources of gold deposits in the Cambrian silicalite formation, west Qinling[J].Mineral Deposits16(4):330~339
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