
Isotope geochemistry of copper mineralization in Yueshan, Anhui


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Abstract:The Yueshan area in Anhui Province is an important part of the concentrated mineralization area in the Middle and Lower Yangtze Valley. There are two types of copper deposits in Yueshan area: skarn copper deposits and hydrothermal vein ones. Based on the five models δ18O-δD isotope evolutional mechanism proposed by this study and the hydrogen and oxygen isotope compositions of each mineralization stage of the two types of copper deposits, it is concluded that the ore-forming materials of the major ore deposits precipitated from magmatic water and/or magmatic waters with a complex evolutional history such as shifted or evolutional magmatic water. The two types of copper deposits are the products of the comagmatic hydrothermal system that evolved in different geochemical environments. The ore-forming solutions of the large-size copper deposits in the Middle and Lower Yangtze Valley were mainly derived from magmatic waters, and those of the small to medium ones seemed to be mixed solutions of magmatic and meteoric waters. It is suggested that when the proportion of meteoric water exceeds 30%, there will be no mineralization of industrial value. The δ34S values of the skarn ore deposits and the vein deposits are - 11.25‰~+19.74‰ and +4.2‰~+8.7‰, respectively. The varying disequilibria of the solutions were caused by the variation in sulfur isotope composition of the sources and the extent of water-rock interaction instead of by the change in physicochemical conditions. This paper proposes for the first time six models for the transferring of sulfur from sources into hydrothermal solutions. The results suggest that sulfur of skarn ore deposits was from magma (78%), pre-Triassic clastic sedimentary rocks and Triassic carbonate strata that contain gypsum (salt) beds, whereas sulfur of the vein deposits was from magma (79‰ ~ 97.7‰) and carbonate strata with gypsum (salt) beds. The mixing was caused by water-rock interaction. The regional lead mixing model of the copper deposits in Yueshan can be mathematically expressed as ( 207Pb/204Pb ) m = -0.1839 (208Pb/204Pb ) m + 3.2986/204Pbm + 2.7679 ( r =0. 9836). The two types of copper deposits related to the Yueshan intrusion contain mixture of magmatic lead, upper crustal lead and Triassic sedimentary lead, whereas the vein ore spots related to the Zongpu and the Wuhen intrusions have lead from magma, sedimentary rocks and the upper crustal unins. Studies on δ13C and δ30Si of these copper deposits give similar conclusions. It is concluded that the ore-forming materials in Yueshan mainly came from the dioritic magma through melt-fluid partition. Triassic and pre-Triassic strata provided some sulfur and a small amount of ore-forming materials9 and the water-rock interaction played an important role in copper mineralization.

.1996.Isotope geochemistry of copper mineralization in Yueshan, Anhui[J].Mineral Deposits15(4):341~350
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