
Metallogenic series types of ore deposits in Xinjiang


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Abstract:Metallogenic series of ore deposits that could occur repeatedly in different epochs and different tectonic units are named metallogenic series types of ore deposits. Related to various specific developmental stages of Paleozoic crust in different orogenic belts, the metallogenic series types of main ore cleposits in Xinjiang exhibit distinct metallogenic characteristics of Paleozoic orogenic belt. In Xinjiang, there exist lots of ore deposit metallogenic series types at each developmental stage of the earth crust as follows: The basement continental crust stage: the metallogenic series type of sedimentary-metamorphic iron-copper-apatite deposits in volcanic-clastic-carbonate formation; the metallogenic series type of sedimentary-metamorphic iron deposits in volcanic-ferrosilicine formation; the metallogenic series type of hydrothermal reformed lead-zinc-silver deposits in magnesian carbonate formation; the metallogenic series type of magmatic copper-nickel deposits related to mafic-ultramafic complexes. Metallogenic series types in folds of sedimentary cover: the metallogenic series type of apatite and vermiculite deposits in alkale ultramafite formation; the metallogenic series type of iron, titanium, vanadium, REE and diamond deposits related to deep-seated source alkali intrusive complexes; the metallogenic series types of sedimentary phosphorus, vanadium, uranium, iron and manganese deposits related to siliceous carbonate formation, which might be divided into phospholrus, vanadium and uranium subtype and neritic shelf facies iron and manganese subtype, the metallogenic series type of sedimentary oil, gas, coal, bauxite and fireclay deposits, which might be divided into marine gypsum-rock salt subtype, continental gypsum-rock salt subtype, and modern salt lake gypsurn-trona-rock salt subtype. The tensile transitional crust stage: the metallogenic series type of iron, lead, zinc, copper and gold deposits related to volcanic-sedimentary formation along the magmatic type passive continental margin; the metallogenic series type of sedimeniary and stratabound gypsum-lead and zinc deposits along nonmagmatic type passive continental margin. The oceanic crust stage: the metallogenic series type of chromium, asbestos, nephrite and talc deposits related to ophiolite formation, the metallogenic series type of cuprious pyrite deposits related to spilite-keratophyre formation. 215 The convergent transitional crust stage: the metallogenic series fype of porphyry-skarn-hydrothermal tungsten, tin, molybdenum, copper, lead and zinc deposits related to island arc and contincntal arc calc-alkalinc granitc formation; the metallogcnic series type of copper, molybdenum, lead and zinc deposits related to volcanic formation in island arc and continental are (which might be divided into the metallogenic series, subtype of copper-lead and zinc-gold deposits related to basic-intermediate-acid volcanic formation and intermediate-acid volcanic formation, the metallogenic series subtype of copper-molybdenum deposits related to intermediate volcanic-subvolcanic formation, with the former belonging to the kuroko deposits) ; the metallogenic series type of stratabound gold and iron deposits related to terrigenous clastic-carbonate formation. The review continiental crust stage: the metallogenic series type of tungsten and tin deposits related to K-feldspar granite-alkali granite; the metallogenic series type of granite pegmatitic mica-rare metal-gemstone deposits related to parautochthonous metasomatic K-feldspar granite; the metallogenic series type of hydrothermal gold deposits related to clastic-pyroclastic formation; the metallogenic series type of stratabound copper deposits in molasses formation.

.1996.Metallogenic series types of ore deposits in Xinjiang[J].Mineral Deposits15(3):207~215
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