
Metallogenic series of ore deposits related to Caledonian granitoids in Xiaohingganling region


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Abstract:This paper has studied ore deposits related to Middle Caledonian granitoids in Xiaohingganling region in such aspects as their geological settings, metallogenic conditions, metallogenic mechanism, and evolutionary regularity of magma and mineralization. With the theory of metallogenic series, the authors have made classification for metallogenic subseries and types of ore deposits, and probed into regularity of regional mineralization zoning as well as mineralization zoning of important ore districts. Xiaohigganling region lies in the northern part of the well-known Xiaohinggaiiling-Zhangguangcailing iron and polymetallic ore-forming belt. The study region approximately corresponds to the second-order tectonic units (Maolin-Milan geosynclinal folded belt and Wuxing-Guansiogzhen intermediate upwarped belt) of Yichun-Yanshou geosynclinal folded system, being the active conjunction zone between Xiaohingganling-Songnen old land and Laoyeling old land. In this region, geological structures are very complex and noted for multicyclic development; nevertheless, the principal cycle remains the geosynclinal folded system formed in Middle Caledonian, which is characterized by multiphase and inherited activities, Caledonian geosyncline evolved on the basis of an active and nonuniform sialic crust; when it changed from an expansion environment to a contraction environment, the increase in intrageosynclinal pressure and tectonic stress led to the formation of remelted hybrid granite in the sialic basement. With the deepening of the downwarping action of Caledonian geosyncline, the intensification of folding and the formation of deep faults, there occurred syntectic granodiorite; in addition, through complete deep differentiation and assimilation of wall rocks, the syntectic magma formed highly-acid and alkali-rich adamellite and K-feldspar granite, which were botli products of Middle Caledonian tectonism. Their related ore-forming processes formed a series of iron, copper, lead, zinc, tin, tungsten and molybdenum skarn and hydrothermal deposits in favorable tectonic positions of the region. Though different in characteristics, these ore deposits were formed quite close to each other in time and restricted by the same major geological action, had intimate genetic connection and identical magmatic-hydrothermal origin, and occurred exclusively in Yichun-Yanshou geosynclinal folded system. Mineralization had much to do with evolution of magma and was closely related to in time, space and genesis. Corresponding to three Middle Caledonian subcycles, the ore-forming processes might be divided into three main metallogenic subseries related to remelting type hybrid granite and granite porphyry, iron-lead zinc metallogenic subseries related to syntectic granodiorite, and tungsten-molybdenum-lead-zinc-iron metallogenic subseries related to highly-acid and alkali-rich granite. Wall rocks of ore deposits of different subseries are all mainly carbonate rocks of Cambrian Qianshan Formation. Regionally, these deposits are distributed almost equidistantly in columns in nearly north-south direction and in zones northwestward. Ore deposits related to different evolutionary stages of magma had their respective distribution space and formed distinct mineralization zoning under the influence of regional geochemical field and tectonic activity. From south to north, the major ore species vary gradually in order of iron→iron, lead, zinc→lead, zinc→tungsten, molybdenum, lead, zinc→tungstem, This must have resulted from such factors as long intense inherited tectonic activity, temporal-spatial differences, source of magma, and uneven distribution of crustal and even upper mantle materials.

.1995.Metallogenic series of ore deposits related to Caledonian granitoids in Xiaohingganling region[J].Mineral Deposits14(4):293~302
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