
Geochemical characteristics and genetic discussion of the stratabound lead-zinc ore deposits in fengtai, Shaanxi province


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Abstract:Studies show that mineral inclusions are mainly tiny fluid ones(2-3μm), with no daughter minerals observed. The homogenization temperatures of sphalerite and galena are between 200-300℃, their salinities are about 10 percent, and the fluid type is of Ca2+一Mg2+一K+一HCO3-一Cl-一F- type. There exist obvious differences between the ore and the country rocks in such aspects. as the proportion of SiO2: Al2O3: MgO, the ratios of K/Na and Co/Ni, the contents of organic carbon, Cl, Mg, SiO2 and H2O+, as well as the pH values, suggesting noncontemporaneous deposition characteristics of the ore. Galena is rich in As and poor in Sn, with the ratio of Sb/Bi(=4)somewhat lower. Galena and sphalerite are comparatively high in Se and low in S/Se. Sphalerite is rich in Fe, Mn, Cu, Cd and poor in Ge, Zn. Orebodies are closely associated with Hg. All these characteristics suggest a high ore-forming temperature and the derivation of metallogenic materials from the depth. Sulfides in the orefield have δ34S values of -1.5—12.8‰ andδ34S∑S values of 7.5—15.2‰, lower than the average value of sulfates in sea water(20%), implying the probable addition of sulfur from the depth. The model age of lead is averagely 440 Ma, older than Middle Devonian strata. This indicates that lead might come from the depth. The ratios of 206Pb/204Pb,207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb range from 17.982—18.096, 15.559—15.656 and 37.977—38.404 respectively, with the differences less than 0.5. These ratios are all within the range of island arc type lead, having the characteristics of mixed crust-mantle lead. The volcanic island are (O)on the old basement of the northern neighboring area and the ferrodotomitic phyllite in the ore field have rather high abundances of metallogenic elements (Pb 27一110 ppm, Zn 58一l85 ppm), suggesting that they might serve as the ore source beds. In the ore field, magmatic and volcanic rocks are seldom seen, there are no volcanic components in the ore, and wall rock alterations are quite simple. The above discussion demonstrates that the ore deposits in this area are quite different from Common sedimentary deposits, and also fail to show characteristics of typical magmatic-hydrothermal deposits. It is therefore concluded that these deposits should be of sedimentary-reworked type, with the repeated infiltration of the underground hot brine acting as the key reworking factor.

.1988.Geochemical characteristics and genetic discussion of the stratabound lead-zinc ore deposits in fengtai, Shaanxi province[J].Mineral Deposits7(1):54~63
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