中文摘要:万山汞矿是典型的层控矿床,属沉积改造成因。矿质主要来自围岩。从寒武纪初至寒武纪末,形成了一个完整的沉积成矿系列,即形成磷、镍、钒、银、钾,汞,铅、锌、金等的沉积或沉积改造矿床。不仅在沉积岩中,而且在一些典型的沉积矿物,生物化石,生物礁中都有高丰度的汞、铅、锌、砷、锑,在三叶虫化石中含汞最高达l00 ppm。从矿物的结构构造特征方面也可找到沉积汞的证据,典型的沉积辰砂与热液辰砂大有区别,并发现极少数微粒辰砂赋存在透镜状褐铁矿结核的中心。各方面的资料说明,沉积岩中分散状态的汞质是沉积成因的。
Abstract:The Wanshan mercury deposit, a World-famous mercury district, possesses stratabound characteristics and is of sedimentary-transformed type with the mercury substance derived from wall rocks. The genesis of mercury substance is dealt with in this paper from such aspects as metallogenic series, sedimentary minerals and rocks, sedimentary textures and structures and fossils. The Wanshan ore district has a metallogenic series in Cambrian which consists mainly of P, Mo, V, Ag, K, Zn and Hg, being of sedimentary origin. There exist in Wanshan ore district some sedimentary minerals and rocks, i.e., pyrite, chert, bitumen and organic material , limestone a and ootitic dolomite, which all have fairly high mercury content (Table 3), belonging to sedimentary origin. Some findings may serve as evidence for sedimentary origin of mercury substance, e.g., the existence of micrograined cinnabar in core of sedimentary pyrite nodule, in chert nodule or between crustal laminae of lenses. The living things contain mercury in three different forms: (1) mercury in modern organisms; (2) mercury in biogenic or nonbiogenic deposits; (3) mercury in fossils. Modern creatures contain 0.75 ppm mercury while modern plants l.06 ppm on the average (Table 4); ore deposits also .have rather high mercury content (Table 5), and fossils contains a substantial amount of mercury (Table 6). The author holds the opinion that the above-mentioned low-content sedimentary mercury substance seems likely to have been the source of mercury in low-temperature hydrothermal ore forming stage.
花永丰.1987.万山汞矿区汞质沉积成因研究[J].矿床地质,6(3):68~76.1987.On The Sedimentary Genesis Of Mercuby Substance In The Wanshan Mercury Ore District[J].Mineral Deposits6(3):68~76