
中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所 自然资源部盐湖资源与环境重点实验室, 北京 100037;中国石油集团东方地球物理公司, 河北 涿州 072750;中国地质科学院, 北京 100037;中国地质大学(北京)
地球科学与资源学院, 北京 100083
Application of 3D seismic and gravity survey in solid potash exploration in Simao Basin, Southwest China
MIAO ZhongYing,ZHENG MianPing,HUANG YuanYi,YAN JiaYong,ZHU YongShan,LOU PengCheng,LIU YuanYing
(MNR Key Laboratory of Saline Lake Resources and Environments, Institute of Mineral Resources, CAGS, Beijing 100037, China;BGP INC., China National Petroleum Corporation, Zhuozhou 0727510, Hebei, China;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China;School of Earth Sciences and Resources, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China)


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投稿时间:2024-06-09   修订日期:2024-08-27      网络发布日期:2024-11-05
中文摘要:钾盐是中国紧缺的战略性矿产资源,思茅盆地是实现国内固体钾盐找矿突破最现实的区域之一。然而,复杂的构造条件及岩盐特殊的理化性质制约了找矿突破。为探索有效的找矿方法,笔者首次将三维地震应用到钾盐找矿实践中,同时开展了重力等其他地球物理方法综合勘查,研究结果表明:① 三维地震数据处理需重点关注低频面波的压制;② 三维地震属性中的瞬时振幅、道积分、Prg*CIP在识别2000 m以深的盐体边界方面有独特的优势,据此预测顶面埋深1700~2800 m、面积为4.28 km2的盐体已被MK-3井钻探证实;③ 在山区应用地震探测钾盐尚处于探索阶段,数据采集、处理、解释方面还需要不断积累资料和经验;④ 重力探测钾盐的理论基础可靠,浅层盐体赋存区全部存在重力负异常;⑤ 第四系、新近系等与盐体密度相近的地质体、地层形态变化或断层也可引起重力负异常,此时须进一步结合其他地球物理手段和地质规律方可判断负异常区内的含矿性。三维地震和重力是以往思茅盆地内钾盐找矿实践中应用效果较好的两种物探手段,由于地球物理资料的多解性以及不同技术手段成本的差异性,在今后的找矿实践中可综合基础地质、矿床地质、探测效果及效率、经济性等因素使用。
Abstract:Potash is a strategic and scarce mineral resource in China. The Simao basin is one of the most realistic areas in China to achieve breakthroughs in solid potash prospecting. However, the complex tectonic conditions of the basin and special physicochemical properties of rock salt restrict ore prospecting. In order to explore effective prospecting methods, 3D seismics has been applied to potash prospecting for the first time, gravity and other geophysical technology have also been used at the same time. The results show that: ① 3D seismic data processing should focus on the pressing of low-frequency surface waves; ② Instantaneous amplitude, trace integration and Prg*CIP in the 3D seismic attributes have unique advantages in identifying the boundary of salt body more than 2000 m deep, and the prediction results with top buried depth from 1700 to 2800 m and area of 4.28 km2 based on these attributes have been confirmed by drilling; ③ The application of seismic survey in exploration of potash in mountainous areas is still in the primary stage, and data acquisition, processing and interpretation still need to accumulate data and experience; ④ The basic theory of gravity prospecting of potash is reliable, there are negative anomalies in all areas where the shallow salt bodies occur; ⑤ The negative gravity anomalies can also be caused by Quaternary and Neogene geological bodies with similar density to rock salt, stratigraphic morphology change and faults, so must combine with other geophysical technology and geological investigation to judge the ore-bea-ring potential of the negative gravity anomalous areas. 3D seismic and gravity are effective geophysical methods in the potash prospecting practice in the Simao basin. Due to the multiple solution of the geophysical data and difference in cost of different geophysical techniques, in the future prospecting practice, while they are used should consider effect, efficiency and cost of the geophysical exploration, and combine with basic geology and deposit geology investigations.

MIAO ZhongYing,ZHENG MianPing,HUANG YuanYi,YAN JiaYong,ZHU YongShan,LOU PengCheng,LIU YuanYing.2024.Application of 3D seismic and gravity survey in solid potash exploration in Simao Basin, Southwest China[J].Mineral Deposits43(5):1149~1163
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