
湖南省矿产资源调查所, 湖南 长沙 410014;中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所, 北京 100037;湖南省矿产资源调查所, 湖南 长沙 410014;成都理工大学地球科学学院, 四川 成都 610000
Structure styles of scientific deep drilling in South Hunan and implications for regional metallogenic prediction
LIU YangSheng,ZHAO Zheng,WEN YiZhuo,XU RuoChao,LI LiXing,LI HouMin,XU YiMing,and TIAN JunWei
(Mineral Resources Investigation Institute of Hunan Province, Changsha 410014, Hunan, China;Institute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China;Mineral Resources Investigation Institute of Hunan Province, Changsha 410014, Hunan, China;College of Earth Sciences, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610000, Sichuan, China)


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投稿时间:2023-07-05   修订日期:2024-01-15      网络发布日期:2024-06-26
中文摘要:湘南科学深钻位于钦杭结合带中段桂阳县宝山矿区,终孔孔深3008.93 m。文章在岩芯地质-地球化学精细编录、测井等工作基础上,建立了岩性、构造、矿化蚀变、地球化学、岩石物性等精细剖面。科学深钻揭露构造行迹自上至下可分为3个构造层:① 上部(韧)脆性构造层,构造样式以脆性断裂为主,层间滑动为次,间夹塑性变形;② 中部脆韧性构造层,构造样式主要为顺层曲面劈理;③ 下部韧性构造层,构造样式以塑性变形为主,层间滑动为次,具塑性剪切特征。结合区域深部构造特征研究显示,该区处于北东向炎陵-郴州-临武深断裂带中,燕山期强烈活动诱发岩浆上侵至深断裂的上盘(深断裂北西侧),形成宝山-大坊花岗闪长斑岩脉带及其相关的铜铅锌银金矿、黄沙坪石英斑岩岩枝群及其相关的铅锌银矿、黄沙坪花岗斑岩岩枝群及其相关的钨锡钼铅锌矿。矿石硫化物δ34S同位素研究表明,矽卡岩型铜铅锌矿中的硫来源于岩浆,脉状铅锌银金矿除岩浆热液硫外,有地层硫的加入。综合深部构造-岩浆岩特征及地球物理信息,文章提出:宝山中区-1350 m以深矽卡岩型铜矿找矿靶区、宝山至大坊之间的米筛井一带北东向脉状铅锌银金找矿靶区、黄沙寺矿区深部可能存在隐伏的花岗闪长斑岩及花岗斑岩,是寻找钨锡钼铋铜铅锌矿的找矿靶区。
Abstract:The scientific deep drilling in south Hunan is located in the Baoshan mining area in Guiyang County, where is the middle section of intersection part of the Qin-Hang combinet belt and Nanling metallogenic belt, with the borehole end depth at 3008.93 m. A series of refined profiles/columns about lithology, structure, mineralization-related alteration, geochemistry and petrophysical properties were established based on detailed geological and geochemical drill-core record compiling and logging. The deep structures revealed by scientific deep drilling can be divided into three structural layers from the top to the bottom, including the upper (ductile) brittle structural layer mainly characterized by brittle fracture and followed by interlayer sliding and plastic deformation, the middle brittle-ductile structural layer mainly showing bedding cambered seratification, and the lower ductile structural layer mainly displaying plastic deformation and followed by interlayer sliding and plastic shear. The deep structure is represented by the north-east Yanling-Chenzhou-Linwu deep fault belt. The intense Yanshanian activity induced magma emplacement to the hanging wall of the deep fault (northwest part of the deep fault), resulting in formation of the Baoshan-Dafang granodiorite porphyry dyke belt and associated Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag-Au deposit, the Huangshaping quartz porphyry dyke swarm and associated Pb-Zn-Ag deposit, and the Huangshaping granite porphyry dyke swarm and associated W-Sn-Mo-Pb-Zn deposit. The δ34S values of the sulfide ore samples collected from the tunnel and deep drill core indicate that the sulfur of skarn-type Cu-Pb-Zn deposit sourced from magma, whereas sulfur of the vein-type Pb-Zn-Ag deposit sourced from a mixture of magma and strata. Combining the data of deep structure, magma emplacement and geophysics, three exploration target areas are proposed: the depth more than -1350 m in the central region of Baoshan has potential for exploration of skarn-type Cu ores; the Mishaijing area between the Baoshan area and Dafang area has good potential for exploration of northeast-extending vein-like Pb-Zn-Ag-Au ores; The Huangshasi mining area may have a hidden granodiorite porphyry body and granite porphyry body in the deep part, which may be a prospecting target for W-Sn-Mo-Bi-Cu-Pb-Zn ores.

LIU YangSheng,ZHAO Zheng,WEN YiZhuo,XU RuoChao,LI LiXing,LI HouMin,XU YiMing,and TIAN JunWei.2024.Structure styles of scientific deep drilling in South Hunan and implications for regional metallogenic prediction[J].Mineral Deposits43(3):688~706
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