
自然资源部成矿作用与资源评价重点实验室, 中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所, 北京 100037;地球科学与资源学院, 中国地质大学(北京)
, 北京 100083
Metallogenic law and metallogenic prediction of Qitianling ore-concentrated area
QIN JinHua,WANG DengHong,ZHAO Zheng,LIU ShanBao,and GUO ZhiQiang
(MLR Key Laboratory of Metallogeny and Mineral Assessment, Institute of Naturals Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China;School of Earth Science and Resources, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China)


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投稿时间:2023-07-27   修订日期:2024-01-12      网络发布日期:2024-06-26
中文摘要:骑田岭矿集区以复杂的深部地质结构和多期、多类型的成岩成矿作用为特色,是南岭中段最为重要的有色、稀有金属资源基地之一。区域成矿类型主要包括中-低温成矿作用和中-高温成矿作用2个系列;多金属矿产的赋矿围岩具有显著的“成矿专属性”,控矿构造则表现为褶皱与多向断层联合控矿的特征;空间分布上,区域成岩成矿作用主要受深断裂控制;从成岩成矿谱系来看,该区完整记录了从印支晚期—燕山晚期的多期成岩成矿作用,两者之间时间和化学成分关系十分复杂,且晚期岩相普遍具有更高的演化程度。总体来看,该区发育印支晚期造山后伸展背景下的与壳源岩浆作用有关的锡多金属矿→燕山中晚期壳幔相互作用有关的钨锡钼铋铅锌矿(西)+燕山中-晚期壳源岩浆作用有关的钨钼铋铅锌矿(东)→燕山晚期壳源与岩浆有关的锡、稀有、萤石矿的演化系列。骑田岭矿集区可能存在深及地幔的通道,且区内的小岩体从浅部至深部由岩枝过渡为隐伏大岩基。区内骑田岭岩体主要由南向北侵位于左旋构造形成的近“S”型膨大空间,在北侧前锋部位、超覆区和S型内凹部位,有利于大规模矿化的发育。从不同尺度的“全位成矿和缺位找矿”来看,骑田岭矿集区有望在类型(斑岩型、石英脉型、云英岩型)、层位(泥盆系—石炭系—二叠系)、元素组合(Li、REE、Sn)等取得突破。因此,基于骑田岭矿集区成矿规律和深部结构的总结,文章提出了2个重点远景区:① 芙蓉外围钨锡铅银找矿远景区;② 廖家湾-清河东钨锡铅银找矿远景区为进一步找矿勘察提供了理论依据。
Abstract:The Qitianling ore-concentrated region is distinguished by its intricate deep geological framework, encompassing multi-stage and multi-type magmatic activity and mineralization. It stands as a pivotal base for nonferrous and rare metal resources within the central sector of the Nanling metallogenic belt. The regional metallogenic types are predominantly characterized by series of middle-low and middle-high temperature mineralization.The polymetallic ore-bearing wall rocks exhibit distinct ore-forming characteristics, and the ore-controlling structures are marked by the interplay of folds and a network of multi-directional faults. Spatially, regional plutons and ores are governed by the influence of deep-seated faults. In terms of magmatic and metallogenic lineage, the area provides a comprehensive record of the multi-stage magmatic and mineralization processes that have unfolded from the Late Indosinian to the Late Yanshanian periods, with complex correlations between the timing and chemical compositions of these events. The later-stage lithofacies generally display a higher degree of evolution. The area has developed a sequence of evolutionary metallogenic associations, which include: Tin polymetallic associations linked to the Late Indosinian Orogenic Extension; tungsten-tin, molybdenum-bismuth-lead, and zinc associations associated with crust-mantle interactions during the Middle to Late Yanshanian; Tungsten-molybdenum-bismuth-lead and zinc associations related to the Middle to Late Yanshanian; and Tin, rare earth elements, and fluorite associations connected to the Late Yanshanian crustal remelting. It is hypothesized that there may be deep channels extending into the mantle within the Qitianling ore-concentrated area, with small rock bodies gradually transitioning from visible outcrops to concealed, extensive batholiths deeper down. The Qitianling pluton in this region primarily intruded from the south to the north and was emplaced within a near "S" shaped expansion zone, formed by left-lateral strike-slip movements. The northern margin, which is also an overlap and "S-shaped" concave area, is favorable for the formation of large-scale mineralization.Considering the concept of "full mineralization with missing prospecting" across various scales, the Qitianling pluton and its surrounding areas are anticipated to yield breakthroughs in specific types such as porphyry, quartz vein, and greisen; in strata ranging from Devonian to Carboniferous to Permian; and in element assemblages including lithium, rare earth elements, and tin.Consequently, based on an analysis of the metallogenic regularities and deep structures within the Qitianling ore-concentrated area, this paper proposes two key prospective areas: ① the area outside the Furong tungsten, tin, lead, and silver prospect, and ② the Qitianling pluton-Liaojiawan-Qinghedong tungsten, tin, lead, and zinc prospect area. It provides a theoretical basis for further prospecting.

QIN JinHua,WANG DengHong,ZHAO Zheng,LIU ShanBao,and GUO ZhiQiang.2024.Metallogenic law and metallogenic prediction of Qitianling ore-concentrated area[J].Mineral Deposits43(3):629~654
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