
中南大学地球科学与信息物理学院, 湖南 长沙 410083;湖南柿竹园有色金属有限责任公司, 湖南 郴州 423037;湖南省矿产资源调查所, 湖南 长沙 410000
Metallogenic regularity and prediction of tungsten-polymetallic greisen mineralization in Shizhuyuan orefield in South Hunan
HOU YuChen,LIU JianPing,AHMAD Osama,WANG Hao,LI YanLin,WANG ZhouYuan,WU JiaKun,TIAN XuFeng,WEN YiZhuo
(School of Geosciences and Info-Physics, Central South University, Changsha 410083, Hunan, China;Hunan Shizhuyuan Nonferrous Metals Liability Co. Ltd., Chenzhou 423037, Hunan, China;Investigation of Mineral Resources of Hunan Province, Changsha 410000, Hunan, China)


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投稿时间:2023-08-16   修订日期:2024-02-02      网络发布日期:2024-03-08
Abstract:The Shizhuyuan skarn-greisen tungsten-polymetallic orefield in South Hunan is one of the most important tungsten-polymetallic mineral resource bases in China. The skarn mineralization has received extensive research, whereas the greisen mineralization has gained a little attention, limiting our understanding of ore formation and mineral exploration in the orefield. The mineralization style, spatial distribution, geological features, and ore control factors of the tungsten-polymetallic greisen were systematically summarized based on field investigation. This study shows that the greisen orebodies in the Shizhuyuan orefield include four styles:greisen hosted in 1st stage porphyritic biotite granite, greisen hosted in quartz porphyry, greisen hosted in 2nd stage biotite granite, and skarn-veinlet greisen composite type. These greisen tungsten polymetallic orebodies are the products of different evolution stages of granite and different mineralization patterns in the Shizhuyuan orefield. Chemical compositions of scheelite show that scheelite grains in skarn have low Mo, while scheelite grains in greisen are enriched in Mo, which may suggest that the greisen mineralization experienced a more oxidized environment than skarn. The mineralization framework in the Shizhuyuan shows that the greisen-type mineralization was controlled by the striker of granitic intrusion at orefield- and deposit-scale. On orefield-scale, the Qianlishan granite intruded from the deep North-East to the shallow South-West. The Qianlishan intrusion's southern section has more intensive mineralization than the other regions, making it stand out. On deposit-scale, the location of greisen minera-lization was controlled by outshoot of granitic intrusion. In addition, rhombus lattice structure has a significant controlling influence on the emplacement position of intrusion and mineralization in the orefield, which is also important for generating exploration targets. Combining the structural framework, relationship between stages of intrusion and greisen mineralization, and geochemical anomalies of the Shizhuyuan orefield, three greisen mine-ralization exploration targets are proposed, the Dajiling target and deep targets of Shizhuyuan and Chaishan.

侯宇辰,刘建平,AHMAD Osama,王浩,李岩林,王周元,吴佳锟,田旭峰,文一卓.2024.湘南柿竹园矿田云英岩型钨多金属成矿规律及成矿预测[J].矿床地质,43(1):159~176
HOU YuChen,LIU JianPing,AHMAD Osama,WANG Hao,LI YanLin,WANG ZhouYuan,WU JiaKun,TIAN XuFeng,WEN YiZhuo.2024.Metallogenic regularity and prediction of tungsten-polymetallic greisen mineralization in Shizhuyuan orefield in South Hunan[J].Mineral Deposits43(1):159~176
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