
昆明理工大学国土资源工程学院, 有色金属矿产地质调查中心 西南地质调查所, 云南 昆明 650093;彝良驰宏股份有限公司, 云南 昭通 657600
Spatial structure of orebodies and prediction of deep orebodies of Maoping lead-zinc deposit, northeastern Yunnan Province
WANG Lei,HAN RunSheng,ZHANG Yan,ZHOU GaoMing,ZHONG Hua,ZUO JiaGeng,DENG Ping
(Faculty of Land Resources Engineering/Southwest of Geological Survey, Geological Survey Center for Non-ferrous MetalsResources, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650093, Yunnan, China;Yiliang Chihong Co. Ltd., Zhaotong 657600, Yunnan, China)


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投稿时间:2021-05-20   修订日期:2022-01-11      网络发布日期:2022-05-06
Abstract:The Maoping lead-zinc polymetallic ore deposit in northeastern Yunnan is an important component of the Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou lead-zinc polymetallic metallogenic belt in the southwestern margin of the Yangze block. Based on the analysis of the spatial structure of the orebodies of the Maoping lead-zinc deposit, this paper determined the location law of the bodies and put forward the location of the predicted targets for deep orebodies. The research shows that the orebodies of the Maoping lead-zinc deposit have the characteristics of clustering, equaldistance, directionality, zonality and multi-layer metallogenesis. The orebodies occur concordantly with the stratum, with characteristics of pinching out reappearance and expansion or contraction, etc; the different geometric characteristics of interlayer faults on the both sides of the Luoze river causes that the orebody groups east of the river plunge to SW and those west of the river plunge to NE; the favorable lithologic association for mineralization is the combination of lower carbonate rock (ore-bearing layer), upper organic argillaceous rock (barrier layer) and gypsum salt layer (sulfur layer); all orebodies occur in the interlayer fault of NW wing of the Maomaoshan anticline derived from the Maoping fault, the Maoping fault the Maomaoshan anticline formed in the hanging wall of the fault and the interlayer faults of the anticline jointly form the "λ pattern" ore controlling structure in the mining area; the NE trending structural zone is the major metallogenic structural system in the mining area; The Maoping fault is the conduit for ore forming fluids of the deposit and the interlayer fault is the ore hosting structure of the deposit. Based on the analysis of the spatial structure characteristics and location law of the orebodies of the Maoping lead-zinc deposit, and combined with the mineralization and alteration revealed by the drilling and pit exploration, four deep orebody prediction targets were generated.

WANG Lei,HAN RunSheng,ZHANG Yan,ZHOU GaoMing,ZHONG Hua,ZUO JiaGeng,DENG Ping.2022.Spatial structure of orebodies and prediction of deep orebodies of Maoping lead-zinc deposit, northeastern Yunnan Province[J].Mineral Deposits41(2):207~224
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