
辽宁省第五地质大队有限责任公司, 辽宁 大石桥 115100
Fluid inclusions and C-H-O isotopic characteristics as well as genesis of Dadonggou gold deposit in southern Liaoning Province
LI Hao,LI Yong,SUN XinSheng,WANG DongBo,MA Shuang,LIU TaiJi,SUN LiQiu,ZHOU Di
(No.5 Geological Party Limited Liability Company of Liaoning Province, Dashiqiao 115100, Liaoning, China)


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投稿时间:2019-06-13   修订日期:2020-01-19      网络发布日期:2020-07-13
Abstract:The Dadonggou gold deposit is located in the east of northern margin of North China Craton, at the western end of the ancient rift of eastern Liaoning. Its orebodies occur in the sericite phyllite of the second member of Gaixian Formation in stratoid, lenticular, plicated and veined forms, and are controlled by the intersection of NWW trending fold structure and NE trending fault structure.The main alteration of the surrounding rocks includespyritization, silicification, sericitization, chlorinization and a small amount of carbonation. The metallic mineral is mainly pyrite, followed by arsenopyrite and pyrrhotite. In addition, there is a small amount of pyrite, chalcopyrite, galena, natural gold, electrum, etc.The magmatic hydrothermal period is the primary ore-forming period, and it can be divided into four stages:early barren quartz stage (1), quartz-Au-arsenopyrite-pyrite stage (2), quartz-Au-polymetallic sulfide stage (3) and quartz-carbonate stage (4), with stages 2 and 3 as the main Au mineralization stages. Fluid inclusions in the quartz during magma hydrothermal period of the deposit can be divided into five types, i.e., liquid-rich aqueous inclusions (Ⅰ type), vapor-rich aqueous inclusions (Ⅱ type), daughter mineral-bearing three-phase inclusions (Ⅲ type), CO2-H2O three-phase inclusions (Ⅳ type) and monophase inclusions (Ⅴ type).The fluid inclusions in the stage Ⅲ-1 contain Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ types, and their homogenization temperatures and salinities w (NaCleq) vary from 155℃ to 482℃ and 5.86% to 34.51%, respectively, whereas the fluid inclusions in the stage Ⅲ-2 contain also Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ types, and their homogenization temperatures and salinities w (NaCleq) vary from 111℃ to 450℃ and 1.91% to 33.59%, respectively.In addition, the fluid inclusions in the stage Ⅲ-3 contain Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ and Ⅳ types, and their homogenization temperatures and salinities w (NaCleq) vary from 158 to 420℃ and 2.41% to 33.31%, respectively.The results of Laser Raman analysis showed that gas compositions of the ore-forming fluids were similar at all stages, mainly CO2, CH4 and a little N2. The C, H and O isotopic compositions of the ore-forming fluids in the magmatic hydrothermal period show that δ13CV-PDB=-18.6‰~-9.6‰, δDV-SMOW=-98.3‰~-77.1‰, and δ18OH2O=2.97‰~7.43‰, which indicates that the ore-forming fluid was mainly derived from magmatic water and mixed with some components of meteoric water and organic carbon of surrounding rocks. The characteristics of fluid inclusions indicate that fluid immiscibility seems to have been the dominant mechanism for mineral precipitation.Secondly, the early-formed carbon and pyrite layer in the formation might have been conducive metallogenic structures for the minerals precipitate. The Dadonggou gold deposit can genetically be defined as middle-low temperature magmatic hydrothermal type deposit.

LI Hao,LI Yong,SUN XinSheng,WANG DongBo,MA Shuang,LIU TaiJi,SUN LiQiu,ZHOU Di.2020.Fluid inclusions and C-H-O isotopic characteristics as well as genesis of Dadonggou gold deposit in southern Liaoning Province[J].Mineral Deposits39(3):438~460
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