
中国黄金集团资源有限公司, 北京 100011,中国黄金集团资源有限公司, 北京 100011,北京大学地球与空间科学学院, 北京 100871,CODES ARC Centre ofExcellence in Ore Deposits, University of Tasmania, 霍巴特 7005, 塔斯马尼亚, 澳大利亚,武警黄金地质研究所, 河北 廊坊 065000,武警黄金地质研究所, 河北 廊坊 065000
Exploration of porphyry Cu±Mo±Au deposits in island arc and continental margin arc environment: Application of geological indexes
(China Gold Group Resources Co., Ltd., Beijing 100011, China;School of Earth and Space Science, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China;CODES ARC Center of Excellence in Ore Deposits, University of Tasmania, Hobart 7005, Tasmania, Australia;Gold Geological Institute of CAPF, Langfang 065000, Hebei, China)


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投稿时间:2017-09-01   修订日期:2018-07-21      网络发布日期:2019-12-24
Abstract:Porphyry Cu±Mo±Au deposits (hereinafter referred to as porphyry copper deposits) are attracting much attention of exploration world because of their immense economic value. This paper systematically summarized prospecting geological marks with emphasis played on porphyry copper deposits occurring in island arc and continental margin arc environments and their applications in guiding exploration based on the most advanced research and the latest discovery, especially in abroad, including:① Determining the porphyry copper deposit exploration districts at macro level by tectonic environment analysis. The prospecting of arc environment porphyry copper deposits must focus in hyperplasia orogenic volcano magma arc environments, such as island arc and continental margin arc. ② Prospecting target areas continuously narrowing through structural analysis of districts and ore fields. Ultracrustal deep faults, which are related to the evolution stress of arc/orogenic belt, control ore belts spatial distribution. Structural systems of ore field, including fault, fold, volcanic(strata)and magma intrusion system, control the distribution of ore deposits(orebodies). ③ Determining metallogenic specialization and characteristics of porphyry orebodies such as chemical composition, mineral constituents, rock structures, then ascertaining the prospecting target. ④ Wall rock alteration zoning can be directly used to determine the ore-bearing porphyries and ore shoots. From deep part to shallow part,also from the core to the periphery, the alteration types of calcium alkaline porphyry copper deposits are in order of Na-Ca modification (silicatazation), K modification (silicification), propylitization (subdivided into high temperature actinolite inner subzone, middle temperature epidote central subzone and low temperature chlorite outside subzone),sericitic alteration and argillization. Accordingly, the alteration assemblages of alkaline porphyry copper deposit are Ca-K modification, K modification, inner propylitization(actinolite-hematite-epidote subzone), outer propylitization(albite-actinolite subzone) and further propylitization(chlorite subzone). ⑤ The lithocaps play an important role in searching for deep porphyries and potential center of porphyry bonanza. Lithocaps of calc-alkaline porphyry copper deposit is composed of cellular siliceous nuclear (geode development), outer advanced argillic belt (quartz-alunite zone) and argillic zone (kaolinite±dickite zone). Alkaline porphyry copper deposit exhibits albitization core in the center and alkaline lithocaps with albite-sericite band outside. ⑥ Spatial and temporal distribution of veins and breccias (chimneys) can point to the exploration target (position). Effective indicators of exploration target location and ore prediction grade are vein type and density of A, B, D and C, M-type veins through detailed mapping of residual sulfide in quartz. Identifying the 3 types and 7 subtypes of breccias can be used as prospecting and evaluation reference marks. ⑦ The zones of mineralized elements, sulfide minerals and mineralization types can all be directly used in the prospecting work and indicate each other. From the center (deep) of mineralition to the periphery (shallow), porphyry copper deposits exhibit typical metallogenic elements zoning of[Mo-Cu→Cu-Mo (Au)→ Cu-S(Au)]→[Pb-Zn(Au)]→Au-Ag(Mn)→Au(As, Sb), and the sulfide space zoning of bornite→chalcopyrite→ pyrite. The mineralization types of porphyry Cu±Mo±Au, skarn Cu±Au/Au/Zn-Pb-Cu-Ag, Zn-Cu-Pb-Ag±Au vein, high-sulfur and middle-sulfur type epithermal Au±Ag±Cu, which are distributed regularly in the porphyry copper mineralization system, are the most important geological indexes of exploration and evaluation. ⑧ Erosion and preservation of orebody are important factos in determining prospecting potential of orefield (orebody).

QING Min,WANG WenCheng,LI WenBo,ZHANG LeJun,ZHANG Dai,HAN XianJu.2019.Exploration of porphyry Cu±Mo±Au deposits in island arc and continental margin arc environment: Application of geological indexes[J].Mineral Deposits38(6):1223~1244
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