
稀有稀土战略资源评价与利用 四川省重点实验室, 四川省地质调查院, 四川 成都 610081,四川省水文队, 四川 成都 621010,稀有稀土战略资源评价与利用 四川省重点实验室, 四川省地质调查院, 四川 成都 610081,美国休斯顿大学, 美国得克萨斯州 休斯敦市 77056,四川省水文队, 四川 成都 621010,稀有稀土战略资源评价与利用 四川省重点实验室, 四川省地质调查院, 四川 成都 610081,稀有稀土战略资源评价与利用 四川省重点实验室, 四川省地质调查院, 四川 成都 610081,稀有稀土战略资源评价与利用 四川省重点实验室, 四川省地质调查院, 四川 成都 610081,稀有稀土战略资源评价与利用 四川省重点实验室, 四川省地质调查院, 四川 成都 610081
Application of comprehensive prospecting model to rare lithium metal exploration in Jiajika concealed ore deposit
FU XiaoFang,HUANG Tao,HAO XueFeng,ZOU FuGe,XIAO RuiQing,YANG Rong,PAN Meng,TANG Yi,ZHANG Chen
(Evaluation and Utilization of Rare Earth Strategic Resources in Sichuan Key Laboratory, Sichuan Geological Survey, Chengdu 610081, Sichuan, China;Sichuan Institute of Geological Engineering Investigation, Chengdu 621010, Sichuan, China;University of Houston, Houston, Texas 77056, United States)


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投稿时间:2019-06-28   修订日期:2019-07-20      网络发布日期:2019-08-26
Abstract:Lithium, as an energy resource and storage metal, is one of the most important and strategic minerals in China. To look for the concealed lithium ore deposit is a major challenge in western China. In Jiajika area, the lithium ore deposit is widely covered by the Quaternary strata. Previous geological prospecting and exploration model was limited to only detecting concealed lithium deposit based on pegmatite outcrops in the south. Therefore, based on the successful discovery of the giant X03 lithium deposit, this paper summarizes the ore-forming mechanism with the authors' four-in-one ore-controlling elements of magma, deformation, metamorphism and metallogenesis. The authors also summarized the internal correlation between geological, geophysical and geochemical anomalies. The authors have established comprehensive prospecting workflow for the discovery of concealed lithium deposits covered by Quaternary sediments, which includes 1) prospective area analysis, 2) prospecting target area delineation, and ore (mine) prediction and locating as well as process generalization. This workflow guided researchers in rare metal prospecting and achieved rapid breakthrough, which set a good example for successful practice. It is recommended to study further the deep geological structure of the orefield, especially the deep extension of the granite base, the rock combination characteristics, and the formation of pegmatites and enrichment of lithium. The authors then focused on the transition part of concealed granite (branches) and pegmatite (mine) veins, and carried out the resource potential prediction of rare metals including lithium and other elements.

FU XiaoFang,HUANG Tao,HAO XueFeng,ZOU FuGe,XIAO RuiQing,YANG Rong,PAN Meng,TANG Yi,ZHANG Chen.2019.Application of comprehensive prospecting model to rare lithium metal exploration in Jiajika concealed ore deposit[J].Mineral Deposits38(4):751~770
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