
河南省核工业地质局, 河南 郑州 450044,河南省核工业地质局, 河南 郑州 450044,河南省核工业地质局, 河南 郑州 450044,河南省核工业地质局, 河南 郑州 450044,河南省核工业地质局, 河南 郑州 450044,中国地质调查局天津地质调查中心, 天津 300170,中国地质调查局天津地质调查中心, 天津 300170,河南省核工业地质局, 河南 郑州 450044,中钢集体天津地质研究院, 天津 300181
A study of geological features of granitic pegmatite-type uranium ore deposits on periphery of Huichizi granitic pluton in Lushi County, Henan Province
ZHANG PanPan,CHEN HuaKai,WEN GuoDong,ZHANG TongLin,MO HongFei,SIMA XianZhang,QU Kai,A LiLi,YIN QingQing
(Henan Provincial Nuclear Geology, Zhengzhou 450044, Henan, China;Tianjin Geological Survey Center, China Geological Survey, Tianjin 300170, China;Sinosteel Tianjin Geological Academy, Tianjin 300181, China)


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投稿时间:2017-03-24   修订日期:2017-07-19      网络发布日期:2017-12-28
Abstract:There are lots of pegmatite veins on the periphery of the Huichizi granitic pluton, which constitute an important uranium concentration area, where many large pegmatite-type uranium deposits have been discovered, such as Guangshigou and Chenjiazhuang pegmatite-type uranium deposits in Shanxi Province. Uranium exploration in recent years led to the discovery of many pegmatite-type uranium orebodies on the periphery of Huichizi granitic pluton in Henan Province, which proves great metallogenetic potentiality of pegmatite-type uranium ore deposits. Based on comprehensive analysis and study of the macroscopic, microcosmic and geochemical characteristics of U-bearing biotite pegmatites, this paper points out that pegmatite-type uranium ore deposits are located in the biotite granite pegmatite in the form of crystalline uranium and uranothorite. Meanwhile, this paper points out firstly the macroscopic, microcosmic and geochemical ore-prospecting criteria in search for granitic pegmatite-type uranium ore deposits in the study area, which are red rocks, relatively big rock mineral composition, gray oily luster quartz, rich potassium feldspar and biotite, strong potassium alteration, higher values of SiO2, K and differentiation index, lower rittmann index and oxygen fugacity, and richer Zr, Hf, V, Ti and Mo. A comparison of U-bearing biotite pegmatites between the study area and Guangshigou shows that they share similar mineral compositions and textures or structures, but are somewhat different in major and trace elements, representative mineral type, disparity, distribution of REE and some of trace elements. The main reason is possibly attributed to the different intensities of structure and magmatic activities in the two areas.

ZHANG PanPan,CHEN HuaKai,WEN GuoDong,ZHANG TongLin,MO HongFei,SIMA XianZhang,QU Kai,A LiLi,YIN QingQing.2017.A study of geological features of granitic pegmatite-type uranium ore deposits on periphery of Huichizi granitic pluton in Lushi County, Henan Province[J].Mineral Deposits36(6):1425~1438
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