
吉林大学地球科学学院, 吉林 长春 130000;核工业二○八大队,内蒙古 包头 014010,核工业二○八大队,内蒙古 包头 014010,核工业二○八大队,内蒙古 包头 014010,核工业二○八大队,内蒙古 包头 014010,核工业二○八大队,内蒙古 包头 014010,核工业二○八大队,内蒙古 包头 014010,核工业二○八大队,内蒙古 包头 014010
Study of structure and formation in uranium-bearing paleo-valley and typical metallogenic models in eastern part of Erlian Basin
LIU Bo,YANG JianXin,PENG YunBiao,KANG ShiHu,QIAO Peng,LU Chao,ZHANG Feng
(School of Earth Sciences, Jilin University, Changchun 130000, Jilin, China;No. 208 Geological Party, Bureau of Nuclear Industry, Baotou 014010, Inner Mongolia, China)


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投稿时间:2015-12-01   修订日期:2016-03-27      网络发布日期:2017-03-11
Abstract:Erlian Basin is an important coal accumulating basin in North China and also has well developed Saihan paleo-valley. The paleo-valley is in NE-striking banded extension. Quite a few mineral deposits, such as Bayawula, saihangaobi and Hadatu uranium ore deposits are developed in the paleo-valley. The uranium deposits are characterized by multiple deposits in the same paleo-valley and multi-types in the same paleo-valley. Based on a study of the structure and the formation of the Saihan paleo-valley, the authors divided the tectonic evolution of the Saihan paleo-valley into 6 stages. The faulted depression stage formed the banded valley for deposition. The gray mudstones of lacustrine sediments in the fault-sag transition stage provided indirectly a reduction material for uranium mineralization. The swamp sediments in the depression stage provided directly a reduction material for uranium mineralization, whereas the river and braid delta deposits of the thermal subsidence formed the major uranium reservoirs. During the stage of uplift and erosion, the tectonic uplift influenced the type and scale of the mineralization. The thermal subsidence of the late mineralization resulted in a new round of sedimentary deposition, thus playing a protection role. A study of the uranium depositional system and sand distribution system shows that the lower member of Saihan formation mainly has developed alluvial fan-fan delta lacustrine depositional system in the short axis direction and braided fluvial delta -lacustrine depositional system in the long axis direction, whereas the upper member of Saihan formation has mainly developed fluvial depositional system, with sand body developed along the paleo-valley in flower shape and banded distribution. The uranium ore deposits were mainly formed in Saihan paleo-valley. The authors established the metallogenic model of the typical ore deposits in the Saihan paleo-valley and classified the metallogenic model into Bayanwula phreatic-interlayer oxidation type, Saihan Gaobi phreatic oxidation type and Hadatu interlayer oxidation type.

LIU Bo,YANG JianXin,PENG YunBiao,KANG ShiHu,QIAO Peng,LU Chao,ZHANG Feng.2017.Study of structure and formation in uranium-bearing paleo-valley and typical metallogenic models in eastern part of Erlian Basin[J].Mineral Deposits36(1):126~142
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