
华北理工大学地质系, 河北 唐山 063000;中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所, 北京 100029,华北理工大学地质系, 河北 唐山 063000,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所, 北京 100029,长安大学地球科学与资源学院, 陕西 西安 710054,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所, 北京 100029,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所, 北京 100029,华北理工大学地质系, 河北 唐山 063000
Significance and characteristics of fluid inclusions in main gold deposits of Hatu metallogenic belt in western Junggar
LI Jing,XU YingXia,SHEN Ping,PAN HongDi,ZHONG ShiHua,LI ChangHao,GUO BoWei
(Department of Geology, North China University of Science and Technology, Tangshan 063000, Hebei, China;Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China;College of Earth Sciences and Resources, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710054, Shaanxi, China)


摘要点击次数: 2503   全文下载次数: 2404   点此下载全文
投稿时间:2015-07-25   修订日期:2016-05-15      网络发布日期:2016-08-25
中文摘要:哈图成矿带位于西准噶尔地区达拉布特大断裂的西北侧,是新疆北部最重要的金成矿带之一。哈图成矿带从西南至北东依次分布着哈图、齐Ⅱ、齐Ⅲ、齐Ⅳ以及齐Ⅴ等金矿床,这些金矿床均受NEE向的安齐断裂及其次级断裂控制,矿体工业类型分石英脉型和蚀变岩型。笔者重点研究了哈图、齐Ⅱ和齐Ⅴ金矿床。根据脉体穿切关系和矿物交代关系,将哈图、齐Ⅱ和齐Ⅴ金矿床分为早、中、晚3个成矿阶段。流体包裹体研究表明,哈图金矿床流体包裹体主要有3种类型:富液相包裹体、富气相包裹体、CO2-H2O包裹体,齐Ⅱ、齐Ⅴ金矿床发育富液相包裹体和富气相包裹体。从早阶段至晚阶段,哈图、齐Ⅱ、齐Ⅴ金矿床主成矿阶段均一温度分别集中在213~285℃、240~306℃、225~319℃;w(NaCleq)分别为0.53%~4.14%、1.91%~7.99%、0.88%~3.23%;密度分别为0.574~0.948 g/cm3、0.730~0.934 g/cm3、0.536~0.918 g/cm3,成矿压力分别为52.1~69.5 MPa、62.9~68.8 MPa、49.9~80.7 MPa,均属中-低温、低盐度、低密度流体,三者的成矿深度平均值均为2 km左右。哈图、齐Ⅱ和齐Ⅴ金矿床成矿流体分别属于NaCl-H2O±CH4±CO2±N2、NaCl-H2O±CH4、NaCl-H2O±CH4±CO2体系。水-岩反应作用及流体的不混溶作用是导致金沉淀成矿的主要因素。
Abstract:Located on the northwest side of Dalabute fault in West Junggar, the Hatu metallogenic belt is one of the most significant gold metallogenic belts in northern Xinjiang. The Hatu, QⅡ, QⅢ, QⅣ and QⅤ gold deposits are distributed in turn in the Hatu metallogenic belt from the southwest to the northeast, controlled by the Anqi fault and its secondary fractures. The industrial types of orebodies are quartz vein type and alteration type. The authors mainly studied the Hatu, QⅡ, QⅤgold deposits. According to the mineral metasomatic relations and vein body relations, Hatu, QⅡ and QⅤ gold deposits are divided into three ore-forming stages. The study of fluid inclusions shows that the fluid inclusions of the Hatu gold deposit can be classified into three types, i.e., liquid-rich two phases, vapor-rich two phases and CO2-H2O three phases, with the fluid inclusions of QⅡ, QⅤ deposits belonging mainly to the first two types. From the early to late stage, the uniform temperatures of the main ore-forming stage of the Hatu, QⅡ and QⅤ gold deposits are 213~285℃, 240~306℃, 225~319℃; the salinities are 0.53%~4.14%, 1.91%~7.99%, 0.88%~3.23%; the densities are 0.574~0.948 g/cm3, 0.730~0.934 g/cm3, 0.536~0.918 g/cm3, and the mineralization pressures are 52.1~69.5 MPa, 62.9~68.8 MPa, 49.9~80.7 MPa, respectively. The ore-forming fluids of Hatu, QⅡ and QⅤ deposits are characterized by middle-low temperature, low salinity and low density, with the average metallogenic depth being about 2 km. The ore-forming fluids belong to NaCl-H2O±CH4±CO2±N2, NaCl-H2O±CH4, NaCl-H2O±CH4±CO2 system, respectively. The water-rock interaction and fluid immiscibility seem to have been the main factors for gold deposition.

LI Jing,XU YingXia,SHEN Ping,PAN HongDi,ZHONG ShiHua,LI ChangHao,GUO BoWei.2016.Significance and characteristics of fluid inclusions in main gold deposits of Hatu metallogenic belt in western Junggar[J].Mineral Deposits35(4):775~794
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