
Regional geology and characteristics of ore deposits in Katangan copper-cobalt belt within Congo (Kinshasa), Central Africa
LI XiangQian,MAO JingWen,YAN YanLing,GAO HongShan, LI MengWen,XU XianLi
(School of Earth and Resources, China University of Geosciences;Institute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;No. 6 Geological Party, Henan Nonferrous Metals Exploration Bureau;Wanbao Mining Co. Ltd.)


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中文摘要:文章在总结前人研究成果的基础上,结合野外勘查实践与认识,简要概括了加丹加铜钴矿带的区域地质背景、岩石地层划分、构造演化及沉积环境的变迁、铜钴矿床的空间分布及层控特征。在同生沉积成因理论的基础上,依据铜钴矿床在卢菲利弧内的空间分布规律、加丹加造山运动对矿床的改造程度,将加丹加铜钴矿带的层状铜钴矿床归纳为受D1变形作用改造的同生沉积铜钴矿床以及受D2-D3变形作用改造的同生沉积_热液改造铜钴矿床2种类型。前一类型矿床主要分布在外部褶皱推覆带的北侧,赋矿地层为罗安群的矿山亚群,褶皱构造控制着矿体的形态与空间展布,矿床受热液改造的程度低,氧化程度亦较低,氧化带深度一般为20~50 m,带内矿石矿物以孔雀石和辉铜矿为主,铜主要以结合氧化铜形式存在,矿床的钴含量相对较低,铜钴比值较大。后一类型矿床主要分布在外部褶皱推覆带的南侧,赋矿地层为罗安群的迪佩特亚群和木瓦夏亚群,线型构造如韧性剪切带控制着矿体的形态及空间展布,矿体呈层状、似层状,受热液改造程度高,矿床氧化程度较高,氧化带最深可达300 m,带内矿石矿物以孔雀石和水钴矿为主,钴含量高,铜钴比较值小,铜和钴主要以自由氧化铜及自由氧化钴形式存在。文章解剖了典型矿床的特征,并指出了进一步找矿的方向。
Abstract:Regional geological setting, stratigraphic classification, depositional environment, tectonic evolution, spatial distribution and stratabound behaviors of copper_cobalt deposits in the Katangan Cu_Co belt are described briefly in this paper. On the basis of syngenetic_diagenetic theory and according to the spatial distribution of Cu_Co deposits in Lufilian arc and the reformation extent affected by Katanga orogeny, the stratabound Cu_Co deposits can be classified into two principal types: (1) syngenetic_diagenetic deposits reformed by D1 deformation, and (2) epimetamorphic sedimentary_hydrothermal metasomatic deposits reformed by D2-D3 deformation. Cu_Co deposits reformed by D1 deformation are mainly located on the northern flank of the external fold_thrust belt, which have the following characteristics: ore_hosted strata are Mine Subgroup of Roan Group; the form and spatial distribution of ore bodies are controlled by fold structure; hydrothermal reformation and oxidation are of low degree, generally 20 to 50 m from the surface; ore minerals within the oxidized zone mainly include malachite and chalcocite; Cu occurs mainly in the form of integrated oxides, and cobalt content is relatively low with a high copper/cobalt ratio. Cu-Co deposits reformed by D2-D3 deformation are mainly located on the southern flank of the external fold-thrust belt, which have the following characteristics: ore_hosted strata are Mwashya Subgroup and Dipeta Subgroup of Roan Group; the form and spatial distribution of ore bodies are controlled by linear structures such as the shear zone; ore bodies exhibit stratiform or layered forms; hydrothermal reformation and oxidation are of high degree, up to 300 m from the surface; ore minerals within the oxidized zone mainly include malachite and heterogenite; Cu and Co occur mainly in the form of unrestricted oxides; cobalt content is relatively high, with a low copper/cobalt ratio. Geological features of typical deposits are also described, and further prospecting directions are pointed out.

LI XiangQian, MAO JingWen,YAN YanLing,GAO HongShan, LI MengWen,XU XianLi.2009.Regional geology and characteristics of ore deposits in Katangan copper-cobalt belt within Congo (Kinshasa), Central Africa[J].Mineral Deposits28(3):366~380
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