中文摘要:新疆阿尔泰乔夏哈拉铁铜金矿床,与火山 沉积型铁矿床和矽卡岩型铁铜金矿床具有相似性。铁的主要来源为火山岩浆源,铜的来源为侵入体岩浆源和部分基性火山岩。铁矿石和铜矿石为两期成矿,属于不同的成矿机制,分别与火山 沉积作用和后期的热液叠加改造作用紧密相关。该矿床的成矿模式可概括为:在大量岩浆喷发、喷溢过程中,铁质在海水中富集并发生沉淀,形成似层状磁铁矿矿体;断裂的活动,致使中基性侵入体侵位,热液中的铜在一定环境中形成硫化物矿石,同时发生广泛的绿帘石矽卡岩化;矽卡岩阶段形成的磁铁矿叠加在原来的磁铁矿之上;断裂的再次活动,导致深部岩浆源含铜金矿液的上升,叠加定位于铁矿层及围岩新生裂隙带之中,形成浸染状和块状硫化物铜金矿石。研究表明,在准噶尔北缘向东南具有进一步找矿的潜力。
Abstract:The Qiaoxiahala Fe-Cu-Au deposit is similar to volcanic sedimentary Fe deposits and skarn type Fe-Cu-Au deposits. Its iron was derived from magma, whereas its copper came mainly from intrusive hydrothermal solution and partly from basic volcanic wall rocks. Iron and copper were subjected to two stages of mineralization related respectively to volcanic sedimentary mineralization and subsequent hydrothermal superimposition and reformation. During the process of magmatic eruption and effusion, iron was concentrated and deposited in sea water to form stratoid magnetite ore bodies. With the subsequent fault activities and the emplacement of basic intrusions, copper bearing hydrothermal solution moved upward and formed chalcopyrite. Multiple fault activities led to the enrichment of existent iron and copper and the formation of disseminated and massive ore bodies. The southeastern margin of Junggar seems to be favorable for further prospecting.
应立娟,王登红,梁 婷,周汝洪.2009.新疆乔夏哈拉铁铜金矿的矿床成因及其成矿模式[J].矿床地质,28(2):211~217YING LiJuan, WANG DengHong, LIANG Ting,ZHOU RuHong.2009.Ore genesis and metallogenic model of Qiaoxiahala Fe-Cu-Au deposit in Xinjiang[J].Mineral Deposits28(2):211~217