中文摘要:羊蹄子山-磨石山钛矿床的钛矿物主要为锐钛矿、金红石和钛铁矿。锐钛矿化学成分的特点是FeO含量明显比金红石要低;主要X光粉晶谱线为3518 (100)、2377(14)和1667(11);晶胞参数a(?) =3.786,c(?)=9.513;拉曼光谱谱线(cm-1) 为 516、395、195和143。金红石的主要X光粉晶谱线为3250(100)、1688(40)和2488(29);晶胞参数为a(?)=4.595,c(?)=2.962;拉曼光谱谱线(cm-1) 为610和446。钛铁矿的成分特点是富锰贫镁,与攀西地区岩浆型钒钛磁铁矿矿床中的钛铁矿正好相反。所有上述钛(铁)氧化物矿物学特征,进一步说明该矿床是在中元古代在海底与基性火山活动有关的热水沉积后经区域变质和局部又遭受后期热液改造而成。
Abstract:The Yangtizishan-Moshishan metamorphosed sedimentary titanium ore deposit, discovered and explored by the authors in recent years, is of an anatase-predominated new-genetic type. Chemical composition of anatase shows obviously lower contents of FeO than that of rutile. The anatase has main X-ray spectral lines of 3.518 (100), 2.377 (14), and 1.667(11), and cell parameters a(?)=3.786 and c(?)=9.513. [JP]Raman spectra of the anatase include strong bands at wavenumbers (cm-1) 516,395,195 and 143. The associated rutile shows major X-ray spectral lines of 3.250 (100), 1.688 (40) and 2.488 (29), and has cell parameters a(?)=4.595 and c(?)=2.962. Their Raman spectra include strong bands at wavenumbers (cm-1) 610 and 446. Electron microprobe analyses of the associated ilmenite show higher contents of MnO and lower MgO, while ilmenite occurring in the vanadium-titanium_magnetite ore deposits of magmatic type in Panzihua and Hongge has higher MgO contents and lower MnO contents. Mineralogical characteristics of all titanium (iron) oxide minerals further suggest that this titanium ore deposit was formed in a Precambrian marine hydrothermal sedimentary environment, and was genetically related to the marine basic volcanism but later subjected to intermediate regional metamorphism.
赵一鸣,李大新,韩景仪,余 静.2008.内蒙古羊蹄子山-磨石山钛矿床锐钛矿、金红石和钛铁矿的矿物学特征[J].矿床地质,27(4):466~473ZHAO YiMing, LI DaXin, HAN JingYi and YU Jing.2008.Mineralogical characteristics of anatase, rutile and ilmenite in Yangtizashan-Moshishan titanium ore deposit, Inner Mongolia[J].Mineral Deposits27(4):466~473